Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black, White, and Some Other Things

Earlier today, one of my students asked me if Michael Jackson was black or white. Some of you may disagree with my answer, but I told him that Michael Jackson was black. My student's response to me was, "Then how come he was white?" Touche.

Later, while playing outside, that same student ran over to me with a look of hurt on his face. I could tell that something his classmate had said clearly offended him. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "Matt (who is black) told me that white people aren't as good at basketball as black people are. Is that true?" (An aside: Matt is not one of those people). Yikes. How would I answer this question tactfully? Before, I had the chance to answer, Matt interjected and said "My mom told me that it's true. Haven't you seen the movie, White Men Can't Jump?" Well, can't argue with that. And, instead I said, "No, Matt. I haven't." And I walked away.

Yesterday was pajama day, and I have come to one astounding conclusion. Most of my students wear pajamas that are atleast two sizes too small on them. Half of the boys in my class looked like they were wearing knee length leggings. It was hilarious while simultaneously disgusting all at the same time. As a result, I could not take anything that my male students said or did seriously all day.

Likewise, I'm sure it was also hard to take me, (their teacher), seriously in my black and blue polka-dotted pajama pants. (An aside: Being able to come to work in your pajamas is quite possibly the greatest thing that could ever happen to a working person). Also, I wonder. At what age is it no longer acceptable to wear full pajama sets? Thirteen? Fourteen? And, at what point does it become acceptable to wear them again? Forty-five? I'll never know. But, I have never seen so many matching pajama sets in one place, in all of my life.

Remember my neighbors who have the loudest sex known to man, each and every middle of the night for the last month? Well, I recently learned who the female tenant in the apartment is. Let's call her, Wong. These two boners on the fourth floor, are really starting to make me cranky. I should invest in a pair of ear plugs, this I know. But, I'm pretty sure that it's not normal to wake up an entire building with your sexual escapades. Last night, I was on the elevator with a man who lived on the fifth floor. He asked me if I had heard any of these late night noises. I smiled and told him that I had. I live on the third floor, and he lives on the fifth floor. We should not both be woken by this each night, and yet...we are. Easy Wong, you're really starting to piss me off.

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