Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day.

There are many perks about being teaching in NYC. City kids are totally cool and hip. The students are savvy and worldly, and seem to know just a little bit more than I did as a kid living in suburban youth. There are so many amazing places to take field trips to... the possibilities are really just endless. However, all of these perks go out the window on days that it snows.
I feel sorry for my students (and for fellow NYC teachers) that we will never experience the joy of a snow day. We will never get that much anticipated phone call that tells us that we can shut our eyes, roll over and retreat back to the land of sleep. Instead, we look outside, knowing how miserable our commutes to school will be, trudging in slop and slush. the land of suburbia, they have snow days...wonderful, perfect, amazing snow days.

Instead, here we are in school...while our students longingly gaze out the window, wishing to play outside...and we (the teachers) longingly gaze out the window, wishing we were warm in our beds. Damn you public transportation for making it so freaking easy to get everywhere.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

O. M. G.

This is my final day as a twenty-four year old woman(child) respectively. How should I feel about this coming of age? This entrance into my MID-20's. Should I embrace it, and grab TWENTY-FIVE by the horns? Or should I cry, because I feel like I should be turning seventeen, not twenty-five. I feel so young. Though, I guess I'm not really sure how twenty-five should feel, especially in these changing times of prolonged adolescence, maybe...I actually act my age. (But probably not).

When I was small, I envisioned what my world would be like at twenty-five. Yes, as a a young child, I really did do things like this. I thought that I would be married with four children...not single, kissing a lifesize poster of Luke Perry every night before I go to sleep.

Also, I'm not sure where the last few years have disappeared to! I remember every birthday like it was yesterday. I remember my 6th birthday, getting pink eye, having to postpone my DiamondBack gymnastics party...I remember my 10th birthday--double digits, boiiii. I especially remember my thirteenth birthday, setting my alarm for 6:46 am, (my estimated time of birth) and screaming at the top of my lungs..." I'M A TEENAGER," I'm sure my family was equally as excited that I chose to do this before it was even light outside. I ran through every room of my house chanting, "thirteen, thirteen, thirteen." I'm pretty sure I stole that move from DJ Tanner--but what-eva.

I remember turning 15, and my mom made up a song about me, it went..."fifteen years of being weird, that is Lauren...she is soooo unique." (It was to the tune of Sarah Mcloughlin's Adia). Ahh yes, and then there was my all-girls sweet sixteen at Mr. Chu's, I finally got my Tiffany heart chain bracelet, a staple of living in Livingston, New Jersey. Getting my license on my seventeenth birthday, driving alone to Shaggy's "It wasn't me" bopping around town, feeling really freaking cool. Then of course, there was TWENTY-ONE, a snowstorm blizzard beast ruined my birthday party. So, I took about 18 shots with my roommates, and whoever could brave the storm, I had thrown up, and passed out by midnight. And now, here I am at 25--I can finally rent a car. And with my driving record--you know that's GREAT NEWS.

I know that one day I will look back and wonder when my youth escaped me...I will look back at twenty-five, and lump that into this youthful category. So, yes...after all of this writing, I guess I have decided to embrace twenty-five, because well...I don't really have any other choice...see ya later twenty-four!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...Well, it's officially back to reality...winter vacation is over, (I know, I know--atleast I GET a winter vacation, and a spring vacation, and a summer vacation and a...) and I am back in the 4th grade. R.I.P. free, uninterrupted time.
Welcome shrieks, screams and screeches....Here are just a few of the comments that I have heard since I've been back in the halls..."I used to wet myself all the time, ya know. I think my arm is bleeding, oh wait no, I think thats ketchup. Can I make you some sparkle punch? I went to my country house over vacation and left all my underwear there. You look different since last year. (That was said to me, and "last year" was two weeks ago). Some of these comments, I'm pretty sure are NOT age appropriate, which leads me to believe that my kids are freaks. But, who isn't I guess?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oh hello again.

Happy New Year! 2009. Like, okay I know that every year I go through the "Oh my god, I can't believe it's (insert previous year). But this year, I REALLY mean it. Like 1999 was TEN years ago!! What the Fock. We still have the bottled water in my basement that my mom bought in preparation for Y2K.

Today was just the greatest post new years day that I could have asked for. I met my camp bestays for some breakfast/lunch and we sat and laughed for an hour. Then we all went to Amelia's. (Amelierannebabi-boo), where we again, sat and laughed for hours, while we were entertained by Summer Heights High, some topless shimmying and fantasized about notions of Vh1 producing, I love the 1800's.

gotta go! love, Lauren