Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Katiekiwi, Caitling and KSass

Sometimes, you just gotta count your lucky stars that certain people were brought into your life. As Katy Perry once said, "I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again." And, it's true. I'll never be the same. (I'm not quite sure if that's what she meant in her song lyric, but I'll take any excuse to quote Katy Perry). This blog is about three special galz in no particular order. There names are Katie, Kerry and Caitlin. OmG!! So cute, right!!? Katiekiwi, K. Sassypantz, and Caitling are three of my best friends from college. My college friends don't get nearly enough credit in my blog, so here I go sistas!

The instant that Katiekiwi and I met, I knew I had met a best friend for life. A friendship soulmate. Katie was the first girl I met in college who had similar life experiences to me. We even joked that our group of friends from home were the same. (We both had a hot Indian girlfriend in our group). Katie and I would walk to dinner together, and I would always run home afterwards. You know how those dining hall meals go right through you! From freshman year, until, well...forever. Katie remains one of my top five most fun friends. You can ask her to do just about anything, and she'll do it. "Hey Katie, go make out with that boy in the corner?" Okay. "Hey Katie, Accidentally crawl naked into your roommate's bed while she has a boy in it?" Sure, no problem. But, most importantly, not only is Katie always up for anything, she will do anything for you. She is an unbelievable friend. And, don't think that I don't know how lucky I am to have found her.

I met Caitling the very first night of freshman year. I liked her instantly because she was the best dressed out of everyone that I was with. The mere fact that Caitling and I are still friends today after sharing a room together in BURNside during our sophomore year at URI, is a sheer miracle in itself. I decorated our entire room in rainbows, woke up early every single morning to watch 90210 (Pre Soapnet and DVR), and would unpack her bags after she returned from a long trip. Despite all this, we are still besties. In fact--we are better friends than ever. She is my # 1 G-chatter, (one of the first names that I search for on my list). Caitling has repeatedly offered me advice time and time again, (even when I make the same mistakes time and time again). If I don't say it enough, (and I'm sure that I don't), Thank you, Lingers.

I met Kerry my sophomore year of college. I was on the lacrosse team, and she was one of the new freshman that I was expected to "initiate." On one ten hour bus ride to a tournament in Pittsburgh, Kerry and I became friends. After she wiped one of her boogers on me during the bus ride, I knew that I loved her. Kerry and I recently took a class at NYSC together. It was a "cardio-video" dance class. The description of this class was learning a dance to pop music. This seemed perfect, and right up our alley. What the gym, and it's website didn't specify, was that the class was actually made up of a semi-professional dance troop. The class that we came to one Tuesday night was their "final rehearsal." There we were, in the back of the class, arms flailing trying to keep up with the rest of the class. But, it was impossible. After twenty minutes, we made a break for the door. And, we never looked back. Ksass and I have bonded over Tasti-Delight, our love for Kelly Clarkson and awkward New York Sports Club experiences. When I lost my driver's license during my senior year of college, she bought me my infamous pink bike. And, well...if that's not friendship, then I don't know what is.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This weekend I experienced one of my most favorite joys as a New York City resident; the long, awaited return of the outdoor table. On Friday afternoon, I walked home from my Physique fifty-seven(uhhh) class in just shorts and a t-shirt. On my walk home, I saw tables and chairs outside of restaurants, lining the streets once more. There is less room on the sidewalks to walk, but I'll take this any day. I am thrilled to put the winter behind me. Good riddance winter. I never liked you much anyways.

While enjoying the spring air, I went for a run with my BGbabe. As we talked and ran, I told my Becca a quote that I had heard from a different Becky in my life. My other Becky quoted something that Albert Einstein had once said. (We are getting wise in our old age). A quote so fitting for me, that it's almost frightening. The quote is this: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome."
Oh my. I do this in almost all aspects of my life. According to Einstein, I am most definitely insane. And, so I wonder. How many of you are too?

On Friday, I had one of those days at school where I felt truly lucky to work where I do. Unfortunately, these feelings are not always first and foremost on my mind when I wake up at six-thirty am on some idle weekday morning. But, I'm working on it.

I am surrounded by an energetic, entertaining group of children, each weekday for six and a half hours each day. Every Friday we have extra "yard" time. This means that the kids have an extra half hour of designated time to play outside. It was a gorgeous morning. Watching the kids run around the playground, I took my ipod out. I pulled my headphones off, and used the ipod as my own miniature boombox. The first note of Ke$ha's, We R Who We R boomed, and the girls in my class came running. We listened to Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas. As the girls sang along with my music, I smiled. They were so adorable, and so normal, singing and dancing to music. In that moment, I didn't feel like their teacher. I felt like their cool aunt. And, well. We r who we r? Right?

Later that day as math class was ending, I wished everyone a good weekend as I dismissed the class. Most of my students bounded for the door. A couple of them high fived me on their way out. But, Jon my one second grade student that I teach in math, slipped his arm around my waist, and hugged his body towards mine. He is tiny, and his head comes up just slightly past my belly button. It was a gesture, so spontaneous, and so genuine that it made me remember why I like kids in the first place. They mean well, they really do.

And, more importantly; they say what they mean, and they say how they feel. It's simple. If they like you, they will let you know it. If they don't, well you will probably know that too. But, there is no confusion, and no gray area. It is what it is. And that is, is understood by everyone. It is a refreshing change of pace.

Sometimes, all of the political, financial, and crappy stuff that comes along with teaching as a profession, makes forgetting all of the positive aspects of this job a little bit easier. And, more than just having a summer vacation, or ending your day end at three pm, it can almost be easy to forget the real perk of this job. And, that is this: You are actually making a positive difference in someone's life. And, if you're lucky--you'll make more than just one. It's a feeling so good, and so real, that it almost...makes me forget that according to Albert Einstein, I may actually be insane...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I love reading spoilers. You could even say that I live for spoilers. My friends always ask me why I like to ruin shows for myself. But, I don't see reading the spoilers as "ruining the show." Instead, I feel that I am only enhancing my knowledge of the television shows that I like. Reading spoilers truly adds to my overall enjoyment and excitement of the show. This is part of who I am. I like to know what is coming next. I like the speculation and the predictions. I rely on spoilers to provide me with accurate information (and spoils) for all of my favorite television shows. And, just in case you wondered; My favorite spoiler websites are The Ausiello Report and Reality Steve. But, last night something unheard of in the world of spoilers occurred. The spoilers were wrong! Reality Steve, you've wronged me.

When the Bachelor began back in January, I looked up the spoilers almost immediately. After all, I didn't want to get invested in anyone that was leaving the show too quickly. The spoilers told me who the winner would be. However, for the first time in spoiler history. (Or atleast, my spoiler history), Reality Steve was wrong. His website announced that Brad Womack would choose Chantale as the final recipient of the rose, and the winner of Bachelor Brad's heart. But in fact, this information was incorrect. She came close, (second choice), but in the end, Brad chose blonde Southern belle, Emily. (Who may actually have the whitest teeth that I have ever seen on a human). The incorrect spoilers have changed everything for me. It will make me look at spoilers in a whole new light. Will this incident stop me from reading future spoilers? No, never. But, like a girl who's heart and trust have been broken by a boy, I may never fully believe in spoilers again.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


When it comes to dating, does the golden rule, (do unto others as you would have done to you), apply?

Ever gone on a date with someone that you are just not that into? But, despite the fact that you may not feel an overwhelming chemistry, you have a decent enough time that you talk yourself into going out with the person again. After the second date, it very clear. You are not feeling this. After the date ends, you pray that this person will fade away into the abyss. But, of course, they do not. You are contacted, and asked out again. (It's never the ones that we want to hear from, right ladies!?)

Here's the thing: You don't have a real interest in dating this person again. You gave it a shot, and you are not looking to waste anyone's time. What do you do? Well. Here are the three basic options that my friends and I have experienced.

A). Ignore this person's calls and texts. (Personally, I find choice A to be incredibly rude, do not wish to be treated this way, and would not treat anyone this way in return).

B). Give some lame-ass, I can see right through you response. We've all heard or given these excuses. "Things are really crazy with work right now." (NAH!! Not buying it). This falls into the same category as "It's not you, it's me." Nope, sorry. It is you. Because, if I liked you enough, I would make it my beeswax to see you.

C). Man or woMan up. And, tell the truth. You tell the person that you're not interested in continuing this. Choice C is clearly the most difficult to do, but in reality--it is the most honest, the least likely to lead someone on, (and would be the choice that I would prefer to hear).

It's tough, and we have all been on both sides of this. When we like someone, and want to hang out with him/her, we feel hopeful. We want to buy into the lame-o responses that we are given. We think that just maybe we are the exception. Maybe, (s)he really is busy...

Either way, it sucks to be let down. It sucks to let someone down. So, while I am no dating expert, it's hard not to think about this. And, I can't help but wonder if I'm meant to be spending my nights dating people that I kind of never want to see again. Going forward, I'll be gentle, and I'll be honest. And, I can only hope for the same in return.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Single White Female

We've all seen this story before. One female inevitably wants to become a different female of her choice. In the process, she slowly tries to assume her identity. It was a movie made in 1992. It was a Beverly Hills 90210 storyline in 1996, and even a "new" 90210 storyline this past year. But, never did I think that I would see a kid-sized version of this take place in my own classroom.

I have a favorite student. Her name is Annie. Sure, I'm not supposed to have favorites. But, I simply cannot help it. She is literal perfection. Annie is adorable. Her smile lights up a room, and I am actually put in a good mood just by being around her. She is one of the few children that I would voluntarily be around after three pm. She is helpful, creative, friendly, and witty. She is not only my favorite student this year, she may just be my all-time favorite student in my five years teaching.

Annie is a small Chinese girl with a very Irish last name, and a distinct haircut. Her bangs are cut bluntly across her forehead, and she has a short bob. Annie also has a best friend in the class. Her best friend, as best friends do, likes Annie a whole lot.

This past weekend, Heidi (Annie's best friend) got her haircut. Her formerly long straight hair was transformed into the exact same bangs and bob cut that Annie has. When the two of them stand next to each other, (which is often), it looks quite creepy. They have the exact same haircut. Something about this is not right. When, I told Heidi that I liked her new haircut, she very openly told me that she got it cut that way because that's how Annie's hair was cut. Creeeeeepy. Annie had no problem with this, and thinks it is just great that she and her number one bestie have matching hairdo's. Sure, they are kids--I guess that you could call this sort of thing cute. But, if you ask me...it's really pretty disturbing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pen Pal Letters Part Deux

Well, in case you missed them the first time around...Here are the newest batch of pen pal letters that my class wrote to our pen pals in the 6th grade. Enjoy.

Dear Dana,
I have a dog named Lucky. He is five years old, and in dog world, he is thirty-five. I just turned eight years old. How are you? I went to the Lady Gaga concert! It was so awesome!! I'm reading Harry Houdini in reading. What are you reading? I really like visiting Germany. Have you ever visited another country? What is it like to be in the middle school? My favorite season is the summer. I love to go swimming in my dad's pools around Brooklyn. Do you like playing basketball in middle school?

Dear Lauren,
Do you have a phone. I don't. Have you broken a bone in your body? I haven't. Can you read upside down? Have you ever stuck the tip of a pencil in your eye? I have. It hurts.

Dear David,
I wonder what your favorite color is. I also wonder what your favorite song is. I don't have a favorite song. I wonder why. Do you have a favorite song?

Hey Sam,
Just telling you about my life. These are the things I like: Soccer, basketball, football and gym. I don't like salad. Do you like these things?

Dear Jack,
My dad said that I'm stronger than my brother. I have a different version of dragon ball on my DSI. Next summer, I'm going to Camp Wig-Wam.

Dear Will,
Do you like music? I like it. I don't like cats. Do you? I have a dog. Dog's rule! I like gym. I don't like peas. I like doing circus art. Do you?

Dear Laura,
Thank you for your letter. What days do you have morning meeting? When is your birthday? How old are you? Do you know how to say please in Spanish? Do you like Peas? Do you like dogs and cats? Do you know what 89 x 5 is?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black, White, and Some Other Things

Earlier today, one of my students asked me if Michael Jackson was black or white. Some of you may disagree with my answer, but I told him that Michael Jackson was black. My student's response to me was, "Then how come he was white?" Touche.

Later, while playing outside, that same student ran over to me with a look of hurt on his face. I could tell that something his classmate had said clearly offended him. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "Matt (who is black) told me that white people aren't as good at basketball as black people are. Is that true?" (An aside: Matt is not one of those people). Yikes. How would I answer this question tactfully? Before, I had the chance to answer, Matt interjected and said "My mom told me that it's true. Haven't you seen the movie, White Men Can't Jump?" Well, can't argue with that. And, instead I said, "No, Matt. I haven't." And I walked away.

Yesterday was pajama day, and I have come to one astounding conclusion. Most of my students wear pajamas that are atleast two sizes too small on them. Half of the boys in my class looked like they were wearing knee length leggings. It was hilarious while simultaneously disgusting all at the same time. As a result, I could not take anything that my male students said or did seriously all day.

Likewise, I'm sure it was also hard to take me, (their teacher), seriously in my black and blue polka-dotted pajama pants. (An aside: Being able to come to work in your pajamas is quite possibly the greatest thing that could ever happen to a working person). Also, I wonder. At what age is it no longer acceptable to wear full pajama sets? Thirteen? Fourteen? And, at what point does it become acceptable to wear them again? Forty-five? I'll never know. But, I have never seen so many matching pajama sets in one place, in all of my life.

Remember my neighbors who have the loudest sex known to man, each and every middle of the night for the last month? Well, I recently learned who the female tenant in the apartment is. Let's call her, Wong. These two boners on the fourth floor, are really starting to make me cranky. I should invest in a pair of ear plugs, this I know. But, I'm pretty sure that it's not normal to wake up an entire building with your sexual escapades. Last night, I was on the elevator with a man who lived on the fifth floor. He asked me if I had heard any of these late night noises. I smiled and told him that I had. I live on the third floor, and he lives on the fifth floor. We should not both be woken by this each night, and yet...we are. Easy Wong, you're really starting to piss me off.