Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Last Day of Third Grade

And just like's over. My 2009-2010, 3rd grade school year has ended. But, oh. It wasn't always that simple. There was plenty of blood, sweat and tears along the way. Fine, maybe not my blood--but don't think that I didn't clean up my fair share of scraped knees this year. There was certainly sweat. (Fair warning: stay away from my classroom after my students come back from gym. The room reeks of prepubescent body odor...and it does not smell pretty). And, of course there were some tears. (And the kids cried too).

Back in September, I thought that this day would never come. Back in December, I thought that this day would never come. Even in April, I thought that this day would never come. And well... it came. I ask you, How did this happen!?! And, Where did the last ten months disappear to?! Instead of feeling excitement and relief, well...I feel sadness. Sure, in about a week from now when I am not planning for my reading class, or being bombarded by Chucky's incessant complaints, I know that I'll feel great relief, and most likely, extreme joy. But, for now...this feels like an ending. And, I think we all know how well I deal with endings.

My students know me. And, know more about me than I give them credit for. They know what angers me. (Interrupting someone speaking to call out, with sayings such as, "I like pie!," or the ever popular, "Boobies!"). They know that I don't tolerate cruelty towards one another, and that I'm a real stickler about that. My students know what makes me laugh. (Accidentally farting in the middle of a social studies lesson, or when the back row raises the roof at the mention of good news). They know what makes me happy too. (Leaving a Hershey bar on my desk, Thank you Alexis!)

These eleven kids who started off as strangers, have become like tiny mutant family members to me. And, they have probably taught me, more than I've taught them. Though things were rough at times, (ie: Chucky pretending to be a dog, and "peeing" on my desk, getting accidentally beat up every day by Chris, who has literally no control over his body in space, and seeing more fingers in noses/booger picking than I ever need to see again), I love these kids. (Well, 80% percent of them, anyway).

Today I received a thank you card from Gus. It said:
"Dear Lauren, Thank you so, so, so mutch for teching me all of this stuff. Your the greatest techer I ever had. Love, Gus

(You're probably wondering if I taught him so much stuff, how come I didn't teach him how to spell. Believe me, he's come a looong way since September).

This note makes my heart feel warm. This note makes me feel like all of the blood, sweat, and tears have been well worth it. Some people complain that their work is a thankless job. Not me though. I know how lucky I am to be in a place where my efforts are appreciated and commended daily. This note made me realize that there is no place that I'd rather be at 8:43 on a Wednesday morning. (Well, except for maybe my bed).

It's been pretty real third grade...School's Out For Summer... see ya in September.

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