Sunday, October 23, 2011

Did You Know?

The return of Pop-Up Video has brought great joy and excitement to my weekly afternoon programming. Vh1 recently brought back Pop-Up videos, after a decade long hiatus. These music videos that give tidbits of information in "pop-up" bubble form were a staple of my 1990's television watching. Most of the pop-up videos featured are current, but every once in a while an older music video is shown.The following is a sampling of some of the information I've obtained from watching this Vh1 treat. Enjoy!

1. The average person poops 416 pounds a year.

2. In Britney Spears's Toxic video, she is dressed as a flight attendant, and makes out with a passenger in the bathroom. The passenger's boner had to be digitally removed from the video.

3. Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock dated right before he married Pam Anderson.

4. In the Pussycat Dolls video, Dontcha, there are seven "dolls" in the group. The Pussycat Dolls had no idea who the seventh girl was. She was never seen or heard from again.

5. 50 cent was shot nine times. Yes, I knew that. But, I did not know that this happened in front of his house.

6. In R Kelly's Remix to Ignition, the scenes are set in a bar. All the good looking extras were served alcohol. The not-good looking extras were served colored water.

7. Scientists say that if the world ends, cockroaches will most likely outlive humans.

8. An extra on set farted in front of Britney Spears and was fired.

9. Tupac Shakur took ballet lessons as a child.

10. And, last but not least...Swedish women are said to have the smallest breasts around the world.

You're welcome.

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