Monday, January 17, 2011

Goodbye Flip

To iPhone, or to blackberry? That is the question. With my birthday approaching, and my nearest cell phone upgrade not for another year, I decided that the time has come. After nearly a decade, my flip phone and I will be parting ways this week.

I recently watched an old episode of The OC. Seth Cohen mentioned "blackberry messaging" Summer Roberts. (His girlfriend). Upon realizing that this episode aired in early 2004, I knew that the time had come. It is the end of an era. (I'm probably the only one still in this era). I am finally ready to join 2011.

Technology really scares me! Or haven't you heard? I just learned how to create a PowerPoint presentation this year. If it weren't for my friend Dave, I would still be using a Dell desktop computer. The TV in my bedroom is a thirteen inch black box with a VCR attached to it. (If you have seen the television set in my room, I give you full permission to make as much fun of me as you'd like). Having this online forum to discuss my thoughts. (Ie: this blog) shocks, even me. My fear regarding this 2011 technologically appropriate phone is that I will not understand how to use it. And yet, I feel I need to come to terms with this: Flip-phones are so 2002.

So, which do I get? The iPhone can do anything it sets it's mind to! And the blackberry has BBM. And for someone that loves to Gchat, I think that BBMing would be right up my alley.

Don't despair though. I have been warned about the dangers of dating and BBMing from my girlfriends. I have learned that when dating someone new, similar to sex, you can never give your pin away too quickly. And, more importantly: When you BBM someone, you can tell if they have read your message, and vice versa. Yikes. I still live blissfully in a world of texting people and having no actual idea when they have read my text message, and the other way around. Yes my friends, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Will I miss my flip phone? A phone that only allows forty text messages in my inbox and my sent messages before I have to delete them? A phone that actually requires being flipped open to see who is calling? The answer to all of this, is no. Most likely not. As Maroon Five once said, So, this is good-bye. Goodbye to my dumb phone. And, a big hello to a smart phone.

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