Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Sometimes I sign into my blog to edit old postings that probably no one ever looks at. (Except for me, of course). When I signed in this morning, I saw that I had surpassed my 30,000th hit. Yowsa's! This means that my blog has been looked at over 30,000 times. (And, no--not all 30,000 times were from me logging in, but thanks). I literally got a teensy bit choked up at the sight of that number. Yes, I am a giant loser. But, writing here each week means a whole lot to me, and is something that I truly enjoy doing. And, it means even more to me that other people are enjoying my writing too. Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. It means more to me than I'll ever be able to describe here.

And, lastly. I wanted to say this: This past Saturday night, I had dinner with Jimmytown and Katiekiwi, (two of my college besties who were visiting NYC for the weekend). At dinner, we had what was quite possibly the deepest conversation that the three of us had ever engaged in together. It was mature,rational, and thoughtful. And, more importantly it did not involve reminiscing about college or making fun of me. Our conversation spoke of love, life and happiness. Upon realizing that this was quite possibly the most mature conversation we had ever been privy to (in the company of each other). We high fived across the table. Yep. We pretty much ruined that moment. To the next 30,000 hits, thanks you guys.

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