Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blind Date

The act of dating can be completely exhausting. Especially first dates. Especially, especially, blind first dates. There is only so much head nodding, smiling, and pretending to care about private equity a girl can handle!

A couple of years ago, my friend Shelby and I tried a new dating website called, "Crazy Blind Date." This particular dating website set you and a friend up with another double date duo. The website chose a restaurant or bar for you to meet at. In theory, this is a cool idea. And, if all else fails-- you are still out with one of your friends! (Not the idea, I know. Needless to say, Shelby and I always had way more fun together, than we did with any of the boys that we actually "dated").

In our stint as Crazy Blind Daters, we had some amusing experiences. On our first ever crazy blind double date, only one of the two boys showed up. There we were at a Lower East Side bar. Shelby, myself, and a small Asian stranger, enjoying some cocktails.

Our second and last crazy blind double date, both boys showed up. One was a fashion photographer, and the other was a large black man. The large black man took a liking to Shelby instantly. The fashion photographer could not have been less interested in either of us. The night ended with me leaving early, due to an allergy attack. (Nerd Alert). Shelby was left to entertain these two men by her lonesome. After CrazyBlindDate number two, we were ready to throw in the towel.

Since my time on Crazy Blind date , I have been on many a blind date. And, almost nothing could be worse. I prefer to date people that I know. Well, who doesn't? I like knowing basic information about the person that I'm out with. Questions such as "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?" should never have to be asked again. Why can't all dates begin, (mentally) on date number four?

The initial meeting at the bar or restaurant on a blind date makes my top five list of things that I loathe. What could be worse than looking around the venue for the person you are going out with, not completely sure about what they look like? It just feels embarrassing. Kind of like everyone in the place knows that you are on a blind date. And, once you do find each other, what do you do when actually meeting one another? Shake hands? Awkwardly hug? Kiss on the cheek? I don't know, and I may never find out.

And, yet...I continue to allow myself to be put through this form of slight torture. Is meeting new people exciting for me? Absolutely. I love it. But, I would rather meet people first. And if there is a mutual attraction, then go on a date. For now, I think I'm just about ready to hang up my blindfold. Until the next crazy blind date...

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