Monday, October 25, 2010

Juray Dutay

Tomorrow begins my two week stint as a grand juror, on jury duty. Am I excited to sit in a court room for the next ten days? No, not really. However, I am relishing the chance to sleep atleast an hour later than usual. And, I'd be willing to make a small wager that I will feel atleast sixty-four percent more well rested, than I do in a normal work week, (where I'm say, surrounded by hyper-active eight year olds). Yes, this is a bet, I'm certain that I could win. I'm not saying that people who work all day (with adults) do not feel tired. I'm sure they do feel fatigued, sitting at their desks, staring at the computer screens. But, there is a certain brand of tired, that is reserved solely for teachers. And, well...this week, I will get to see how the other half lives.

Over the next two weeks in court, I will probably not see any apology letters, (apologizing for calling someone a dirty elephant butthole). I'm also mostly sure that my fellow jurors will not arrive to jury duty with a vile of their own blood with them. (No, Nicole. You can't share that for show and tell). And, most likely I won't see any jurors flinging their bodies into the railing above the stairs, only to cry out in pain, "Oh, my weiner!" (Matthew, do you need an icepack?) Yup. I'm thinking that a chance to be around adults might just be the change of pace I'm looking for.

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