Monday, October 4, 2010

A Growned Up Job

If any one theme is clear and consistent with my blog, it is this: I don't want to grow up. But, if I must, (and I guess I have to), I am glad to know that everyone else is growing up alongside with me. This weekend, it really hit me that my friends and I are not only growing up, but have real, actual grown up jobs. (And have had these jobs for some time now). While my job may not always seem the most sophisticated, (Ie: sitting on the floor reading stories, and watching eight year olds stick their fingers up their noses), I know that I am the grown up in the room that my students have to look up to. And well, that is something.

My friends are real smarty-pants(s). They are doctors, lawyers, accountants, financiers, fashionistas and lots of other things; most of which I don't really understand.

This past weekend, I was feeling sick. Instead of going to my regular doctor, I went to a different doctor. I went to one of my best friends, Joelle. Joelle is my age and is now officially a doctor. (It sort of terrifies me that people my age are doctors, because I know what people my age are doing on the weekends). I went to Joelle's apartment and she examined me just as my own doctor would, (only she did not ask me questions about my sexual history; this is probably because she knows everything anyway). It was amazing. Joelle diagnosed me. She told me what would help make me feel better, and then she sent me on my merry way! If growing up means that I get to be comforted and made to feel better by a close friend (fo free), then alright. Maybe this isn't so bad after all...

Also, a total aside, but this just happened, and I wanted to share. In my math class we are learning about Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To (<, >, =). One of my students asked me what age I would want to be greater than and what age I would want to be less than. What a fun question! My answer was that I would like to be greater than seventeen, but less than forty. Almost all of my students said that they would want to be greater than seventeen. One of my students raised his hand and said, "How come everyone wants to be seventeen? Is it because seventeen year olds can jump really high or something?" Yup. Or something.

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