Monday, November 21, 2011

My Thanksies

It can be easy to get down on yourself for the things that you don't have. (In my case that might be lots of money and a boyfriend). But, then I remember this: I am a lucky girl, and I have much to be grateful for. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share just some of the things that I feel thankful for this year.

1. My parents. For a million and twelve reasons that I could never even begin to list. And, while I'm here--I'm pretty dang grateful for Fatts and Judy too. (Heather and Jeremy, ya herd?)

2. Funny, friendly people. You're just the best.

3.Camp Schodack. If my parents hadn't sent me here seventeen summers ago, (Thanks Lil' Mimi and Craig!) I would never have met and fallen in love with the best friends of my life.

4. My Friends. Having friends in my life who I can be one hundred percent myself with. No inhibitions, uncensored me. Gassy, fun, and moderately repulsive. It's really something else.

5.The Return of Pop-Up Video. You've revolutionized my afternoon programming, and I'll never be the same.

6. DVR. How else could I watch Pop-Up Video, 90210 and the OC each and every day?

7. My job. Sure, I have spent a lot of time in the last couple of months saying how much I miss my old school. But, I'm learning that my new school has a lovely plus side too. And, more importantly, I have a place to come to each day, a well earned paycheck twice a month, and children who are happy to see me each morning.

8.Frosted Flakes--my Saturday and Sunday mornings wouldn't be the same without you.

9. Ketchup--we go way back, and I'm pretty sure I can't remember what food tastes like without you.

10.New York City, god--I love you. You are my home, and the best city I've ever been to.

11.Bar Birthday Parties. You give my weekend nights purpose.

12. Music that makes me want to immediately have naked alone dance parties.

13. Naked alone dance parties

14. LHS c/o 2002. Could convening at our lockers in D-Hall really have been almost ten years ago? It feels like ten minutes ago, and I'll always feel incredibly lucky to have had such a positive high school experience.

15. Sexual experimentation. Well, at the very least no one could ever say that I missed out on my twenties.

16. Gchat. You make my work day much more entertaining.

17. Rhode Island. I could never forget how much I loved this little state from 2002-2006. (Even though you suspended my driver's license). DT, Katiekiwi, 80Sak and the SeaWatch Boys. You'll always be my Rhode Island.

18. Friendship bracelets. You fancy up my wrists real nice.

19. My cell phone. A piece of machinery that I rarely use as a phone. It's hard to remember my life without it, and I never want to again.

20. Elastic waist bands. Could anything be more comfortable, and yet also fashionably acceptable? Leggings, Jeggings--my wardrobe will forever thank you.

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