Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh, hello!

Oh, hello again! Here, in no particular order are some things that I've been thinking about...

1. Are girls crazy? If you are a boy reading my blog, then you are probably nodding along, with an emphatic yes.

On Saturday night I experienced true girl craziness at it's finest. At a friend's birthday party, I saw an acquaintance and his girlfriend sitting at the bar. I did not immediately go and say hello, because he is not someone I know well, and quite frankly, I needed to get my Bacardi on first. As soon as I got my drink, I went to say hi. I experienced what can only be described as DAGGER EYES coming from the boy's girlfriend (who I had never met before). I extended my hand to her, she shook it with a violent squeeze, and a furious wrath. Ouch. (Emotionally and physically).

About an hour later, while said girlfriend was in the bathroom, boyfriend came up to me and said, "My girlfriend doesn't like you, because she thinks we hooked up." There are two things troubling about that statement. The first: Everyone has a sexual past. Everyone. Do you know how many boys I've hooked up with in the past that now have significant others!?! I'm sure every (single) person reading this could say the same thing. I could have a small army of girlfriends attacking me, if this is a shared mentality.

Second--and, more importantly...I had never hooked up with this guy- not even once. Not ever. I asked boyfriend if he had told his girlfriend that we never hooked up. He said that he did, but she didn't believe him. When girlfriend came out of the bathroom, her eyes narrowed, as she stared at me with pure hatred. My goodness. What could I have done to deserve that?

2. While recently shopping at Bloomingdale's, I was lingering over a necklace. I loved it, and wanted to buy it. But, if purchased, I probably wouldn't be eating for about a week. On the other hand, I'd have a really pretty necklace. This was a tough one. While eyeing the jewelry case, someone came over to assist me. The woman asked me if the necklace was a sweet sixteen gift. I laughed and said, "Oh no. This is for me." Then she said, "I know it is, dear!"

This is when I realized that the Bloomingdale's associate thought that I was a sixteen year old girl. This is not the first time this has happened, in fact it's not even the second. Most recently before this, I was carded at the Hangover Two. The boy who worked behind the counter at the movie theatre (who couldn't have been older than twenty) didn't believe that I was over seventeen years old, thus allowed to see a Rated R movie. All I can say is this: When I'm forty, I can only hope that people think I'm twenty-five.

3. On Wednesday of this week, I visited Medieval Times with the day camp that I'm working at. It made me think about the people who work here. I thought about them "practicing" their choreographed fight scenes, and their medieval accents. When these people get up each morning for work, they know their day consists of men in tights, elaborate costumes, and falling off horses for large groups of children. Who are these people? And, how on earth did they get this job?

4. And lastly, on my walk home from a glorious Sunday spent with my Meelzy, a small black man tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, and the tiny man said to me, "You have a better tan than Rihanna." I'm pretty sure that was a compliment. But, I'm also pretty sure that Rihanna has a better tan than I do. Just saying.

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