Sunday, November 14, 2010


Back in the year 2000, I read a statistic that rocked my very core of existence. At the time, I was a sixteen year old highschool sophomore, obsessed with the new millennium. (And subsequently loved anything that had to do with the Millennium, even...wince, Will Smith's, Will2k, and The Back StreetBoys album, cleverly titled, Millennium).

I remember reading Newsweek magazine from January, 2000. (An aside: I probably have not picked up a Newsweek since). The article that I read stated that x percent (I can't remember the exact number) of the babies that were born in the 1980's will live to see the year 2100. Yes, I know, knowing the actual number would probably make that statistic more credible. However, I am telling the truth. I even swear on Luke Perry's life, that I once read this statistic, remembered this fact ten years later, and am now reporting it here on my blog. In the year 2100, I would be One-hundred and sixteen years old. Whoa. I can barely wrap my head around turning twenty-seven.

One of my best friends, Brooke, has a very special goal: It is to be the oldest living woman. Yes, that is her actual goal in life, that she has stated out loud, to other human beings. Brooke really reaches for the stars!

Though, my grandmother is not the oldest living woman, she is getting pretty dang close. Today, we celebrated her ninety-fifth birthday, at a party thrown for her by my parents. I can't even begin to comprehend ninety-five. My grandma was born during World War One, before television and radio were invented. She lived on the Lower East Side in a tenement. Her family of five were crammed into a one room apartment, while her father supported the family on less than minimum wage. She was The American Dream. Sometimes, talking with my grandma feels like speaking to an alien from another life time. (I mean that in the most loving way possible). It's just that my grandma really is from another time. She recently asked my younger sister if she was apart of Facelift. (Facebook). My sister and I were actually quite impressed that she knew what facebook was, considering she just learned what an e-mail was last month.

Grandma Eva is the cutest little lady you ever did see. She still lives by herself, and even though my mom is always around to help if she needs, she is still an independent woman! (All the women who independent, throw your hands up at me!)

A party was thrown today in her honor. She was like Homecoming Queen at the prom, and the gigantic smile on her face said it all. So to you, Grandma Eva: Even though, you will never see this blog, (and don't even know what a blog is), it was amazing to be at your birthday party today, to see so many people attend who love you, and who want to celebrate you, and your ninety-five years.

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