Sunday, November 28, 2010

Glamour and Mystery

The Sunday Night Blues are hitting me hard tonight. After all, it is Sunday night after a five day holiday weekend. And, what a weekend it was!

Before I begin, I would just like to throw a special shout out to Samantha Mumba's "Gotta Tell You." While at home over the weekend, I was having an alone dance party. Just me and my sister's ipod. While dancing, I re-discovered this gem, and simply cannot get enough. (An aside: In February of 2001, shortly after my 17th birthday, and a newly licensed driver, I would race out of school each afternoon just in the nick of time to make it home for TRL to watch Carson Daly announce Samantha Mumba (and her video) as number one).

I was looking through old photo albums in my room. Each one of them intricately labeled. Summer 1999, Junior Year 2000-2001, Senior Year at Rhode Island, 2005-2006, and the list goes on. What I soon realized is that shortly after 2007, there are no photo albums to be found. And, that's when it hit me. Facebook! Every photo that I have, is on facebook for the world to see. With the popularity of facebook, I realize that I don't really have a reason to make scrapbooks anymore. I don't have to take the time to print out my pictures, and place them carefully into albums. While this saves me a lot of work, I can't help but wonder, will the me in ten years be sadly disappointed, when I can't find the album labeled, "2009-2010" Drunken Slutty Times?

On Friday morning, I did something that I don't do very often. I slept past eleven am. I guess all that turkey really did make me sleepy! I was awoken to my mom telling me that she had something really adorable to show me. I was not pleased. I rarely sleep late anymore, and to sleep until 11:30 am, is like a dream come true. Mimi Girl led the way to the family room, where she pushed play on our VCR. (That's right, our VCR. Guess, I'm not the only one who still lives in the 20th century).

On the TV screen, was a home video from 1989, my family on a beach vacation. Even though we were young. (Jeremy was nine years old, I was five (and a half), and Heather was just shy of a year old). All of our personalities really shone through. The video captures me talking to total strangers, while building a sand castle. So, yes. Even as a five year old, I was very friendly, and also, at the same time, completely clueless to my surroundings. The video showed my sister climbing her way out of a blown-up baby pool, up into a grown-up chair. Showing the determined side of Heatzbabi that she still possesses today! And, then there's Jeremy. The video shows him pouring cups of water on Heather while she sat in her baby pool, until she eventually pushed his hands away. So, just like in 2010, he still likes to annoy the crap out of his sisters. (Just kidding Judy, (sort of) Love ya!! )

But, perhaps the most striking thing that this video captures; the one thing that my mom could not get over, was the sound of my voice. I will not be modest. My voice was cute. I'll take it one step further. I sounded adorable. My voice was sweet, angelic and extremely high pitched. It left me to on Earth do I have such a deep voice today? My friends have always joked that I have a deep voice for a girl, but I just assumed that I sort of always sounded that way. I never suspected, that once long ago, lurking inside me was the high pitched squeal of a five year old girl. I know that when boys go through puberty, their voices drastically change, as they become much lower. I just wasn't aware that the same thing could be said about girls.

And lastly, in the car on the way from picking up my new comforter. (It's lovely, thanks). Little Mimi Girl broached a sensitive subject. Boyfriends. (Sigh). As I have stated before, my mom never means any harm with these types of conversations, in fact she means the exact opposite. She is just literally my # 1 fan, and finds it confusing that I do not have a boo to call my own.
Recently, she has come up with a new theory as to why this may be. I thought I'd share it here with all of you. She asked me, "Lauren, when you are out at night--are you being a little too silly?"

SILLY!?! What am I, seven years old? But, my mom's translation of silly was this: "I'm worried that you are burping and farting in front of boys you just meet." Yes. This is actually what my mom thinks I do when I first meet new people. Her advice to me: "Maybe when you are out, and meeting new people, you can try to be glamorous and mysterious. I'll let that statement sink in a moment.

Okay. Mysterious. I get it. I'm not very mysterious. Want to know anything about me? Well, I'll probably tell you, twice. (And, then forget that I ever told you anything). And, if not, you can just log onto my blog, and find out for yourself. Fine. Maybe, I could have a more mysterious persona at times. But glamorous!?!? How does one go about "being glamorous," while out at night? If you know the answer to this, please let me know. It would make my mom very happy.

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