Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Me Again!

It's been a while since I've last written. Below, you will find some things that have occurred recently.

I started a new job, at a new school. This is kind of a big one, and requires a post in it of itself. I will say this: It's been a big transition. And, the change has not been easy. And, while things are getting better, I miss my old school, every day...

On Sunday, I had lunch in the West Village with DBA. I picked DBA up at his apartment, where I met his new roommate and new roommate's friends. Hubba-hubba. Hunk Alerts, that's all I'll say. I asked Dan if he would have a party. Not only was his roommate cute, but he also had five friends with him. That's five new boy faces that I haven't seen before, and I like to maximize any and all potential. Is it okay that every time a male friend has a change in his life, I think of ways that it may benefit me? Does this make me selfish? Well, maybe a little. But, at least I own up to my shortcomings.

Last night was Back to School Night. This means that the parents of my students came in and listened to my teaching partner and I speak about the curriculum for an hour and a half. Needless to say, this is an exhausting day, and I didn't get home from school until nine pm. Yes, some of you reading this keep those kinds of hours, but you are investment bankers, lawyers, and do other things that I do not understand. And, you probably make an extra figure or two in your salary. I am a teacher, and like to be home in time for my four-thirty pm dinner. Just saying.

I expected the parents of my new students to be welcoming and warm. I expected them to be curious about who I am, as the new teacher on the block. I expected them to think that I'm a young, twenty-two year old, brand new teacher. And, in fact--until I introduced myself, and mentioned that this is my sixth year teaching, this is what they thought.

What, I did not anticipate was, having the parents of the girls in my class tell me that their daughters have come home telling them that "Miss Fisher has "feathers" in her hair." Yes, I have a feather, or two, or five currently. One is hot pink. I kind of love them. And yes, I know. I'm such a professional. One of the moms told me that her daughter was at home on the internet, "researching" where she could get a feather for her own hair. I'm a trendsetter for nine year olds. Sioux me.

And, lastly. I'd like to discuss a new phenomenon. And that is this: When meeting someone "online," before actually going out on a date, there has been a repeated pattern of scheduling a phone call. I enjoy talking on the phone with my mom, and a select few. But, if we have never met before (Ie: You have my number through a dating website), then well...there is really no reason for us to talk on the phone. Let's just text, until it's time for us to meet in real life. Okay?

This morning I received a text at 6:30 am, from a J-dater, asking me what time is good for us to talk tonight. Sure, thats considerate of him. And, I do appreciate planning ahead. But, just call me whenever you want. I probably will screen anyway.

I had one of these mandatory phone conversations on Tuesday night with a fellow J-dater. And, although I was annoyed that I was talking to a stranger on the phone, when I would have rather been doing...well... just about anything else. I am glad that we talked. The conversation made me realize--I did not want to go out with this guy. I just saved myself a painful first date. Maybe that's a judgmental thing for me to say after a fifteen minute phone conversation. But, I do think you can get a certain vibe from someone. And, most importantly: I hated his phone voice. I'm sorry, it's true and a good phone voice is key. Things that I have been told about my phone voice are that I sound like a 900-operator, or a twelve year old boy. You can decide for yourself.

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