Sunday, November 25, 2012

LHS Ten Year Reunion!!!!

It has been months since my last post. (I am soyyy sorry). But, if ever there was a time for a blog is now! A lot can happen in ten years. For my students, this is their entire lifetime. For me, ten years ago at this time, I was a college freshman having come home for Thanksgiving for the very first time. I have endured many changes in the past decade. Certainly far too much to sum up in this blog post. But, to name a few: I went to college, started a career, experienced new people, and learned many, many important life lessons. And, yet. In the context of certain situations. (i.e: a highschool reunion), it feels like nothing has changed at all. It's almost odd in a way, it's as if the last ten years haven't even occurred.

 Last night I attended my ten year high school reunion. Not only was I an attendee, but alongside two others I planned the event. And it has to be said. The night was a smashing success, I could not have asked for a more unbelievably fun night if I had tried. A ten year reunion is one of those milestone moments in life that you hear about, or see portrayed in movies, and last night I experienced it firsthand.  For one night, I was a twenty-eight year old high school senior. And, I can't think of anything that could have made me feel happier.

The green and white balloons, (Go Lancers!), the late 90's/early 00's songs played by the DJ, and the genuine joy that was felt around the room all contributed to the amazingness of the night. (Well, all of that and the open bar).  Highschool reunions have the potential to be awkward. (Alcohol helps). There could be the fear of seeing an old flame, friends fallen out of touch, and yet--at the LHS Reunion, everyone was genuinely thrilled to be reunited together.

I am a lucky lady to have remained in touch with so many of my high school friends. (In fact, in 2013 I will be attending four high school weddings, two of which both the bride and groom graduated from high school together). And yet, there were still people who came to the reunion that I could not have predicted how excited I would be to see. Faces that I hadn't seen in years, and once the conversation began, it was like we were back in 2002, standing at our lockers in D-Hall.

What happened after the reunion was the best part. (Well, after the after-party, and the after-after-party).  It was the e-mails, texts, and Facebook messages that followed not only thanking me for planning the reunion, but also to share how good it was to re-connect. This is the best part. I came away from the reunion, feeling rejuvenated in my current friendships, and rekindled old ones.

I know. I am an interesting breed of human. Not all people care this much about highschool. And not all people would feel sad when highschool (and the reunion) ended. But, this is me. I can't begin to express the amount of fun I had on Friday night, or the actual feeling of sadness I have now that it's over. Do I really have to wait another ten years to do this again?

Ending this post feels appropriate with the following quote. A close friend of mine found two girls who he did not recognize at the reunion. Approaching them both he said. "Alright, let's get this over with, who the hell are you?"

Ah, I'll love you forever LHS. Thank you for introducing me to some of my favorite people in all of my life. To everyone who came last night, thank you for making it the actual best time ever.

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