Have you ever noticed the culture that co-exists with Union Square? Or why is it that the most interesting breed of humans all seem to convene there, together each day?
Today, Becky and I continued our crazaaay SprInG bReAk catching some rays in Union Square, (and simultaneously texting the shit out of Jimmytown O'Halloran--love ya Jimmy!)
(An aside: I began my beautiful spring day by first stopping for some lunch at McDonald's, (I'm soooo healthy), While in McDonald's, I ran into one of my students--who was like a deer in headlights. He was having trouble functioning--seeing me-- his teacher, outside of school...at McDonalds. When I asked him what he did over his vacation, he replied with, "Nothing. Oh! (he said excitedly), I went to my great-grandma's funeral!")
Sitting outside, Becky and I watched all the different people around us. Sure, there were some "normal" people there on their lunch break, and, there may have even been some crazy-ass Spring Breakers there just like us. (Just kidding). But also present were the hacky-sack players culture. The bubble blowing, dancing hippie culture, The"Free Hugs" sign carrier culture, The musical performer culture, the puppeteer culture, the adults dressed in costume culture, the small, awkward children playing tag culture, and my favorite (Perhaps you've seen him) A small tanned-skin man, wearing a button-down t-shirt, unbuttoned to his belly-button.(Culture). He usually wears some sort of beanie, and swaggers back and forth to the beat of his own drum, (literally).
Last spring, this man became a staple of our Union Square crew. My friends and I would often convene in Union Square to hang out outside on a beautiful day. Regardless of whether we were just a group of girls, or had a group of guys with us too, this man was never far. And that is mostly because, he was checking out my friend Shelby's rack. Don't misunderstand me: Shelby has great tits, but no matter what she wore (She could have been wearing a turtleneck), or what position she was sat in...there he was too--his eyes pointed dead center at her ta-ta's. It got to a point of such great discomfort, that we would need to re-locate and move spots. And, no matter where we went--there he was. His eyes burning two giant holes right through her chest. Without fail, each weekend this tanned skin man was there too. Just one of the gang!
One weekday last summer, I brought my new book with me, entitled, Loose Girl-A Memoir of Promiscuity, (Go ahead, and judge me--the cashier at Barnes and Noble did) to read with me in the park. I sat nestled in a cozy part of the grass in Union Square. I had my blanket out, and some fresh fruit with me. I was enjoying the gorgeous day, when I too felt eyes boaring into my soul. At first, I thought maybe someone else had caught a glance at the title of my book, but no--I was mistaken. When I looked up, there he was--our favorite Union Square staple, in his unbuttoned shirt, smiling his toothless grin at me. I smiled back, (with all my teeth), politely gathered my things, and left. Until we meet again...
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