Omg,Omg,Omg,Omg,Omg. I have just arrived back to my classroom after watching the 3rd and 4th grade talent show. It. was. not. okay. And, also it was. It was perfect, hilarious, and everything that is right in the world about slightly special children. Written on the walls, in huge cut-out letters were the words, "You've Got Talent!" One of my favorite teacher-friends, Fran was the MC, and she was amazing. She motivated that crowed like none other. After each act completed their "talent," the crowd would shout, "YOU'VE GOT TALENT," right back at the performers. (It gave me the chills, but in a good way). I had a smile glued to my face the entire show, because each act had bits of unintentional hilarity built in, and it was just plain old adorable. Here are some of my favorite highlights from the show. Enjoy.
1. Jack swung a baseball bat, while Take Me Out To The Ball Game played in the background. Yes. That is all that he did for the entire duration of the seven minute song. He just stood there, swinging his bat. Unintentional bit of hilarity: The entire act, as well as his "performing" with his body facing away from the audience.
2. Emily's Eiffel tower built out of cupcakes. This was actually a beautiful work of art, and looked delicious.
3. A "stand-up" comedy routine about cheese. Everything about this was unintentionally funny.
4. A dance performance by Ali, Rachel, Samantha and Tara to the Cotton Eyed Joe. (I mostly enjoyed this, because the four girls coordinated their outfits to match in plaid. (And, because it reminded me of dancing to the Cotton Eyed Joe at bar and bat-mitzvahs in the 7th grade).
5. Jeffrey created a Mexican meal, (burritos, quesadillas and tacos) entirely out of colored clay, and explained this to the audience.
6. Four students performed "The Limbo." Need I say more?
7. Julie sang a soulful song with the lyrics, "Boy, you won't wait for me tonight, you go and find your woman." Within the first two notes of her singing, someone snickered in the audience. She ran off the stage, lyrics flung behind her, screaming, "I'll never perform again, never!!"
8. Devil-sticks made a comeback in a routine done by Matt and Jon. Unintentional Bit of Hilarity: Matt and Jon's lack of coordination.
Overall, the Talent Show was a smashing success. And, I'm not sure who had more fun, the teachers or the students. Though, I'm pretty sure that I could venture a guess...
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