Tuesday, April 13, 2010


In the reading class that I teach, my students are currently reading the biography of Helen Keller. The kids have been in absolute awe of her. They don't understand how such a person could exist, how Helen Keller functioned in life, and how she went on to achieve all of her amazing accomplishments. (To tell you the truth, neither can I).

Today we read aloud the chapter where Helen Keller goes to college. Before beginning the chapter, I asked my students to raise their hand and tell me anything that they knew about college. (Mostly for my own amusement). Below you will find some excerpts from eight year olds on college life.

In college, you can go to the movies whenever you want, and you don't have to ask a grown-up.

In college, you get to play twister with your friends.

In college you get to drink beer. (Gus said this, and immediately followed it with...)

Oh! And in college you can kiss as many girls as you want!!

In college you can wear a sweatshirt that says COLLEGE.

In college you have to set your own alarm clock, because your mom can't wake you up.

In college, you have to mow your own lawn. (?????)

In college you get eighty hours of homework a night. (Sophie, you do know that there aren't actually eighty hours in a single day, right?)

And, lastly for all those deep thinkers..."College is like a school, for sort of grown-ups. Cause like, college people are tall, but still sometimes need help with their homework."

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