Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, you guyssss!!! For the record, I may never get over that it's a new year; 2011. Does anyone else find this hard to believe? Two-Thousand Eleven sounds so futuristic to me, and well...I guess it's not. But, perhaps causing the greatest disbelief to me, is that 1991 was TWENTY YEARS AGO! Does the year 1991, have any sort of major significance to my life? No, not at all. It's just that 1991 doesn't feel like it could have been twenty years ago.

If 1991 was twenty years ago, this means that 2001 was TEN YEARS AGO!!! Now, that could take some getting used to. In 2001, I was seventeen years old. Eeek. I am getting old. With a new year, comes new hopes and wishes. What do I hope for this year? Well, last night Becky, Amelia and Ryan suggested some things that I should hope for. Ya know, like learning how to incorporate different kinds of toppings and spreads on my bagels, walking like less of a dingbat in high heels, and becoming more grammatically correct in my blog. But, no matter what--we all hope for true love this year. Even, if we only find it within each other.

If you are a He-Man Woman Hater who thinks that girls can't be funny, then I literally feel bad for you. (You are really missing out). I love my girlfriends. They are raunchy, hilarious, and foul. Their humor is funny, witty, and so slyly subtle, that at times, I think they could actually be comical geniuses. And, we do play quite well off of each other. (If I do say so myself).

I have an upcoming date with a boy. He facebook friended me prior to our date. Doesn't he know anything? This is a big dating no-no in my book. If you go on the date, and it's fun, then all means, facebook friend away. But, facebooking before a date ensures that both parties are judging each other based on their pictures, statuses and walls posts. Matt, (my upcoming date) texted me to comment on one of my facebook pictures.(A picture where my eye resembles a vagina). This picture was taken in 2007. This means that Matt dug very deep, into my facebook photo archives to find that hidden gem. Even, if I did the very same thing, (stalking his pictures over the last four years), I would never openly admit that prior to meeting someone. And, seeing someones entire facebook page (before ever actually meeting them), is getting quite a glimpse into their private life. It just feels funny.

Upon accepting Matt's facebook friendship, I saw that we had one mutual friend. Obviously, I immediately contacted our mutual friend and asked her to tell me everything that she knows about this human. She told me that he was a really sweet guy, but has the potential to be a "Stage five clinger." Well, hey. That could be a welcome change of pace in 2011.

I hope this new year brings positive hopes and wishes for you all. Cheers to a happy, healthy and hilarious 2011.

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