Sunday, November 7, 2010

Marathon Sunday, and Some Other Things.

Yesterday was truly a great day. It was the New York City Marathon, and what would later become a day of pure inspiration for me. I traveled to the Upper East Side, to watch the marathon, and cheer on DBA (one of my besties) from the sidelines of First Avenue. It was magical. From the amount of people cheering, the spirit, the balloons, banners and signs, it was amazing. I had the chills as I watched runners, young and old, make their way up First Avenue, with smiles on their faces, as they recognized their loved ones from the sidelines. What I know is this: I need to run this marathon. I don't know when. But, the thought of it kind of thrills me, in a way that I never would have imagined.

I learned something quite valuable while at DBA's Post-Marathon Party Sunday night. Aside from the fact, that I love LHS c/o '03 (quite possibly almost as much as '02), I learned that boys do things that girls do too. For example, I watched as an un-named boy deliberated over a text message that he was sending to a girl that he had met the night before. He carefully thought about the wording, edited the text, and then had another female read and re-edit the text before sending. After careful consideration, the text message was sent to the girl who he had met. I often go through a similar ritual when sending a text message to the opposite sex. However, I did not know that boys do this too. Somehow, this news was both baffling, and comforting to me.

I also learned a new deal breaker for guys. One of my friends briefly dated a girl that was affectionately nicknamed Dumb-Dumb. (Surprisingly, this was not the deal breaker). But, what I did not know was that she had been given, yet another secret nickname; Burnt Hair. Creative, and yet straight to the point. Burnt hair's hair smelled burnt the way that can only come from hours of using the straightening iron. Lesson to be learned: Easy on the flat iron, bitches.

Lastly, I would like to write about today. My final day of jury duty. I am sad. For realzies! I never want to go back to work (aka--back to my real life). Jury duty ended, (but not first without a final lunch including all twenty-three jurors together). Numbers were exchanged, facebook friends were added, and hugs and kisses were given amongst all of us. I never anticipated finding, real actual friends in my two week stint as a juror. But, I did. And, you know the old saying, don't you? Jury Duty Friends, are friends forever. I am really going to miss my jury duty crew. I'm not joking. And, I am really not joking that I do not want to go back to work tomorrow. Though, it was not a vacation; being able to wake up at nine am each morning (as opposed to six am) sure feels like one. Coming into "work" each day, to sit next to my new-found juror friends, without any real pressures of deadlines, lesson plans, and overbearing parents is a luxury that I have come to treasure.

And most importantly (and most scarily), I learned that a world without children is kind of glorious. Yes, I love kids, and I do appreciate my job. But, my god--I loved living in a land of adults. What a welcome change! And, according to my original hypothesis, I was in fact atleast sixty-four percent less exhausted than I am during a typical work week. And, so tomorrow--back I go, off to Brooklyn, after a two week hiatus to reclaim my former life. Good-bye rape, murder and scandal. Hello, farting sounds, un-tied shoelaces, and recess.

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