Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is my Life?

I am my classroom while my students are participating in "choice time." Choice time is when the kids choose an activity to partake in for an allotted amount of time. We have just returned from lunch and recess. As a result my classroom smells like a mixture of peanut butter and prepubescent BO. Each student is busy, involved in various activities around the room. One group of students are creating "gloppy's." A gloppy is a small creature made from model magic (Aka..clay made by Crayola). Each gloppy has a name that ends in y. There is Ruby, Judy, and Smiley. There is Club Gloppy, and you have to undergo an oath of loyalty that specifically states that you will not harm the gloppies in any way. I'm actually not kidding.

Additionally, another student Sam, is busy creating the ultimate cruise vacation. I am watching him as he is pouring over the globe, trying to plan the perfect cruise. Simultaneously, one of his "cruise line workers," Paul, is taking a poll of where each student in my class would like to visit on their cruise. Chuck is busy tracing Frankenstein heads, and has an entire page of of just heads. Meanwhile, I am overhearing a conversation about "sexy ladies" that I know I should be stopping, but I just really don't have the energy right now. And, what seems to be in stereo is a new hit song that my students have created..."o.m.g. I like pie. o.m.g. I like pie." ON REPEAT, for the past twelve minutes. Every few minutes Bill farts loudly, Pedro screams when he drops a lego, Chris Brown beating up Rhianna is being debated, and Jane is in the corner laughing like a hyena. What. is. my. life?

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