With parent-teacher conferences just around the bend, I thought I'd prepare by sharpening up on my euphemism skills, and share a few of them with all of you. Parent-teacher conferences. One giant euphemism for your kid is a freakshow.
Euphemism:"Your child struggles to navigate social situations."
Translation: Your kid is a socially inept freak, and is going to be a loser in high school.
Euphemism: Your child has some difficulty attending to the lesson.
Translation: Your kid can't concentrate for shit, get him/her on meds NOW.
Euphemism: Sometimes ___________(insert child's name) needs reminders to raise his/her hand.
Translation: Your kid doesn't shut the hell up, ever.
Euphemism: At times, we've noticed some mean-spirited behavior displayed by your child.
Translation: Your kid's an ass.
Euphemism: At times your child struggles with managing his/her emotions.
Translation: Your kid's a cry baby. Man up.
Doesn't it make you wonder what your teachers used to say about you? I can only imagine what mine said about me...
haaahahah i can totally relate. i'll keep you posted on any of my euphemisms...