Greeeetings from Spring Break!!
It's been an amazing week off, and I still have one remaining week of freedom. Hallelujah! I'd like to take a moment and write about the biggest highlight of my vacation thus far. And, that is meeting Ian Ziering. Better known to all of you as Steve Sanders, Beverly Hills 90210 alum. Allow me to set the stage.
I was walking to the East Village to meet my great pals, Jeff and Nate for dinner at Spice Cove, fine Indian cuisine. (Contrary to popular belief I can eat things other than grilled chicken slathered in ketchup). En route to dinner, I received a phone call from my roommate. Upon picking up the phone, I could hear the excitement in her voice. She told me that Ian Ziering was promoting his new skin care line at her gym. Like the great roommate that she is, she told him all about me. My love for 90210, that I know the entire casts' birthday, that I have written multiple letters to castmates, and that there is a life-size poster of Luke Perry on my wall. He said, "tell her to come." Yes, that's right. Ian Ziering personally requested my presence. I had to get there... immediately. The minute dinner was done, I bolted back uptown to Equinox gym. When I arrived, there he was. Steve Sanders, sans his blonde Jew-fro. What I found instead was an extremely personable, friendly, forty-eight year old man. I introduced myself, to which he replied, "The girl who knows more than I do about 90210!" He gave me a big hug, then said, "We have to get a picture, and so we did. I smiled for the camera, and I haven't stopped smiling since.