Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Bacation

Greetings from Winter Vacation, Official Day #1.

This past weekend was definitely a good one. On Friday, I had my school's holiday party. It was literally Teachers Gone Wild. The entire faculty and staff were drunk by noon. It's a funny thing, day drinking, in your work clothes, with your co-workers. A funny, but also amazing thing. The holiday party was done right. The party was set at the Boat House in Central Park, and a DJ played my favorite tunes. (No, really. He actually played all of my favorite songs). Everyone danced. Not just a few people, I'm taking the entire staff. It warmed my heart. Our after party went until 7:30 pm. (Mind you, our holiday party started at 11 am). I was a champ, making it to the finish line. That is, until I came home, took a shower, passed out soaking wet, completely naked on my bed, and did not wake up until morning.

On Saturday, one of my highschool besties got engaged. Not only is she my bestie, but her boyfriend, (now fiance) is also my friend too. In fact, he maaay have even been my boyfriend in sixth grade. (It's fine. We never kissed with tongue). It was magical celebrating the engagement, and it makes me even more excited for the wedding. (This excitement may also have something to do with ninety-five percent of the wedding party attending Livingston High School).

I'll be honest. Usually, when I hear about engagements and weddings, I tend to feel the exact opposite of happy. I'm not a bad friend, and I want my friends to be happy. It's just...I can't help but wonder when my time will come too. It's not that I want to get married tomorrow either, but I wouldn't mind getting past the stages of booty calls, and deciphering instant messages. Basically, I'd like to evolve past the age of twenty-one, in my romantic endeavors. It almost feels like being left behind a little. Sure, I know it's certainly not a race, but when Facebook tells me that eight more people I know have gotten engaged or married... it does hurt my single lady heart a little. And, though most engagement announcements bring some conflicted feelings on my end...this one did not...and, I cannot wait for this Livingston High School wedding!!!

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