What happens when a person you're going on a date with (who you don't know very well yet) suggests an idea that you're really not feeling? You want to be agreeable, and easy-going. (Especially, if those characteristics actually describe you), but, you don't want to spend your night doing something that's your own version of a nightmare.
As far as first dates go, I feel that dinner can be kind of a bold move, and a little intense. I'm a first date, drinks girl all the way. Perhaps long ago, dinner was an appropriate first date, but in 2011, I have to disagree.
Now, hear me out: I am a girl that can eat. And, I don't have food issues where I can't eat in front of the opposite sex, however eating on a first date can be a little scary for me. And, here's why: I have some less than stellar eating habits, and almost all of them involve ketchup. (An aside: Once on a dinner date, I poured milk all over my Caesar salad thinking that it was the dressing on the side. Yeah, that wasn't embarrassing at all).
I went out with someone last week who suggested going to a pizza bar for our first date. Yes, a pizza bar. A bar where we could literally eat pizza and drink beer. It was low key and casual, and I liked it. So what if I get pizza on my face, and cheese dangles from my mouth? In the end, my date spilled his beer on me early on in the night, so any qualms I may have had about eating in front of him were quickly diminished.
After date # 1 ended, I was asked to go on date # 2. He very enthusiastically suggested that we head to Dave and Busters. Oh no, he didn't!!!! I can't think of anywhere else that I'd rather not be. (Except for maybe Home Depot, but luckily he didn't suggest that). Dave and Buster's is one of those places that is kind of my worst nightmare. Mostly because it is a glorified arcade in the middle of Times Square.
When that idea crashed and burned. (I will give him credit for picking up on my subtle hints), He suggested we go out for dinner. I know I said I don't like dinner dates for date # 1, but I also don't really like them for date # 2 either. Dates # 1 and # 2 can be dedicated to booze. That is fine with me. (Also, I realize that here is a guy who is trying to go out of his way to plan something fun and nice for us to do). But, I guess my point is, in the first couple of dates, simplicity is what wins. And, I will have fun just about anywhere. (Except for Dave and Busters and Home Depot). The truth is: I'm easy. (Insert slutty joke). All you have to do is take me to a bar, supply me with atleast three Bacardi and diet cokes, and I will be just fine. Deal?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
November...and Boys
My heart broke a little this weekend as I watched restaurant employees stack tables and chairs away, until sunnier, warmer days are here again. It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of November; (Summer, tanlines, and flip-flops, I really miss you). It's just a long descent into winter from here on in...
Now, for something new: a blog post about boys! Because I never write about them, right? Okay. Why do guys text/call about wanting to meet you/see you/spend time with you/hang out with you/bone you, and then do not follow through. Here is an example (of many I've experienced) to illustrate this very frustrating point.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine from highschool asked if she could give my number to her older brother's best friend. After looking at him on Facebook, I said, Yes, please! This guy was a thirty-one year old hunk! I heard from said hunk later that night, when he texted me saying, "Heard we'd really hit it off, when do I get to meet you?" I gave him two different nights that I was free that week. Of course he was busy both of those nights. (In truth, I was actually free every night of that week, but felt it would be best if I kept that information to myself). Hunk said he would get back to me the following day with some free nights he had the following week. A new prospect on the horizon? I was excited! Guess what? He never followed through, and I haven't heard from him since. Wow, I love boys.
This is a completely frustrating situation because he never met me, so it's not like he decided he wasn't into me. (By the way, if it was a case of, he's just not that into me; I could deal with that). But, seeing as we never met, that can't be it! And, I assume he also checked me out on Facebook prior to agreeing to be set up. But perhaps most frustrating of all is...he texted me! He initiated the first contact with me, and then without a trace disappeared to the island of lost boys. If I ever visit that island, I'm pretty sure that I'd have a word or seventy to say to quite a few guys there. Grrr.
Now, for something new: a blog post about boys! Because I never write about them, right? Okay. Why do guys text/call about wanting to meet you/see you/spend time with you/hang out with you/bone you, and then do not follow through. Here is an example (of many I've experienced) to illustrate this very frustrating point.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine from highschool asked if she could give my number to her older brother's best friend. After looking at him on Facebook, I said, Yes, please! This guy was a thirty-one year old hunk! I heard from said hunk later that night, when he texted me saying, "Heard we'd really hit it off, when do I get to meet you?" I gave him two different nights that I was free that week. Of course he was busy both of those nights. (In truth, I was actually free every night of that week, but felt it would be best if I kept that information to myself). Hunk said he would get back to me the following day with some free nights he had the following week. A new prospect on the horizon? I was excited! Guess what? He never followed through, and I haven't heard from him since. Wow, I love boys.
This is a completely frustrating situation because he never met me, so it's not like he decided he wasn't into me. (By the way, if it was a case of, he's just not that into me; I could deal with that). But, seeing as we never met, that can't be it! And, I assume he also checked me out on Facebook prior to agreeing to be set up. But perhaps most frustrating of all is...he texted me! He initiated the first contact with me, and then without a trace disappeared to the island of lost boys. If I ever visit that island, I'm pretty sure that I'd have a word or seventy to say to quite a few guys there. Grrr.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Did You Know?
The return of Pop-Up Video has brought great joy and excitement to my weekly afternoon programming. Vh1 recently brought back Pop-Up videos, after a decade long hiatus. These music videos that give tidbits of information in "pop-up" bubble form were a staple of my 1990's television watching. Most of the pop-up videos featured are current, but every once in a while an older music video is shown.The following is a sampling of some of the information I've obtained from watching this Vh1 treat. Enjoy!
1. The average person poops 416 pounds a year.
2. In Britney Spears's Toxic video, she is dressed as a flight attendant, and makes out with a passenger in the bathroom. The passenger's boner had to be digitally removed from the video.
3. Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock dated right before he married Pam Anderson.
4. In the Pussycat Dolls video, Dontcha, there are seven "dolls" in the group. The Pussycat Dolls had no idea who the seventh girl was. She was never seen or heard from again.
5. 50 cent was shot nine times. Yes, I knew that. But, I did not know that this happened in front of his house.
6. In R Kelly's Remix to Ignition, the scenes are set in a bar. All the good looking extras were served alcohol. The not-good looking extras were served colored water.
7. Scientists say that if the world ends, cockroaches will most likely outlive humans.
8. An extra on set farted in front of Britney Spears and was fired.
9. Tupac Shakur took ballet lessons as a child.
10. And, last but not least...Swedish women are said to have the smallest breasts around the world.
1. The average person poops 416 pounds a year.
2. In Britney Spears's Toxic video, she is dressed as a flight attendant, and makes out with a passenger in the bathroom. The passenger's boner had to be digitally removed from the video.
3. Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock dated right before he married Pam Anderson.
4. In the Pussycat Dolls video, Dontcha, there are seven "dolls" in the group. The Pussycat Dolls had no idea who the seventh girl was. She was never seen or heard from again.
5. 50 cent was shot nine times. Yes, I knew that. But, I did not know that this happened in front of his house.
6. In R Kelly's Remix to Ignition, the scenes are set in a bar. All the good looking extras were served alcohol. The not-good looking extras were served colored water.
7. Scientists say that if the world ends, cockroaches will most likely outlive humans.
8. An extra on set farted in front of Britney Spears and was fired.
9. Tupac Shakur took ballet lessons as a child.
10. And, last but not least...Swedish women are said to have the smallest breasts around the world.
You're welcome.
Monday, October 17, 2011
What's Your Number?
I'm sure many of you have seen the movie preview. A twenty-something girl is on the quest to find true love before she reaches twenty sexual partners. And, she's at nineteen...
I recently had two very different experiences involving people's "numbers." (People's sex numbers, that is). And naturally, I wanted to share them here. The tale begins in Boston, where I spent my weekend visiting my college besties. (Love you guys!!)
Out at the bar on Saturday night, I met a guy. (One whose name I can't remember, and he is simply "Boston Boy," in my phone). Through, texting the next day, Boston Boy revealed his sex number to me. I never asked him for this information, he shared this all on his own. Boston Boy told me that he had only slept with three girls in his life. This seemed somewhat shocking to me. A twenty-seven year old, single guy, who had only been with three girls. I understand that everyone's numbers are different, based on different life experiences. After all, I have friends that have a low number of sexual partners, because they've been with the same person for so many years. Maybe Boston Boy had three really serious girlfriends? Or maybe he had one really serious girlfriend, and two flings? Or, maybe he is just sexually inexperienced. The possibilities are endless.
(An aside: I did not share my number with Boston Boy, for many reasons. Most of which being that my number is not three).
It was interesting to me that a single, twenty-seven year old guy had only slept with three girls in his life. However, if a single, twenty-seven year old girl had said the same thing, it would not be as surprising to me. The reality is, gender does play a role in this. We know this, because girls are the ones who are called sluts and whores. Not guys.
I was talking on the phone last night with one of my best friends from college. Without knowing my Boston Boy story he asked, "Fisher, what's your number these days?" I'm not shy about this. (Though, I'm not going to share that number here). I told him that I would tell him, if he told me his. And, so he did. A twenty-eight year old guy, and he had just hit the forty mark. Forty girls. And, I will get personal about something. I am one of those forty girls.
His number did not surprise me. And, I passed no judgement on him. However, if I had told him that my number was forty. (Which it's not), I can't help but wonder if he would judge me, just a little.
Another factor: Since we've been close friends for years, it's been a while since we've done it, and I'm not looking to date him, knowing his number didn't bother me. However, if this was a guy I was interested in becoming serious with, and I knew that he had slept with forty girls before me...it could have the potential to make me think differently about him and his intentions.
Is this fair? I'm not sure. Do I want people judging me based on my number? No. Of course not. But, I'd like to think that I still fall in a somewhat age appropriate range for a single girl living in a city.
We want the perfect balance. No one wants to sleep with someone who seems inexperienced, and yet at the same time, too much experience can be seen as a flaw, and could potentially make the moment feel less genuine. When you are in an intimate setting with someone, no one (I imagine) likes to think about the people who came before you, and who may come after. In the end, I conclude that someone's sex number is not so important. Sometimes, you have to have different experiences to help you understand what it is you are looking for. And, girls. I'm pretty sure you can still find love, even if he is # twenty...
I recently had two very different experiences involving people's "numbers." (People's sex numbers, that is). And naturally, I wanted to share them here. The tale begins in Boston, where I spent my weekend visiting my college besties. (Love you guys!!)
Out at the bar on Saturday night, I met a guy. (One whose name I can't remember, and he is simply "Boston Boy," in my phone). Through, texting the next day, Boston Boy revealed his sex number to me. I never asked him for this information, he shared this all on his own. Boston Boy told me that he had only slept with three girls in his life. This seemed somewhat shocking to me. A twenty-seven year old, single guy, who had only been with three girls. I understand that everyone's numbers are different, based on different life experiences. After all, I have friends that have a low number of sexual partners, because they've been with the same person for so many years. Maybe Boston Boy had three really serious girlfriends? Or maybe he had one really serious girlfriend, and two flings? Or, maybe he is just sexually inexperienced. The possibilities are endless.
(An aside: I did not share my number with Boston Boy, for many reasons. Most of which being that my number is not three).
It was interesting to me that a single, twenty-seven year old guy had only slept with three girls in his life. However, if a single, twenty-seven year old girl had said the same thing, it would not be as surprising to me. The reality is, gender does play a role in this. We know this, because girls are the ones who are called sluts and whores. Not guys.
I was talking on the phone last night with one of my best friends from college. Without knowing my Boston Boy story he asked, "Fisher, what's your number these days?" I'm not shy about this. (Though, I'm not going to share that number here). I told him that I would tell him, if he told me his. And, so he did. A twenty-eight year old guy, and he had just hit the forty mark. Forty girls. And, I will get personal about something. I am one of those forty girls.
His number did not surprise me. And, I passed no judgement on him. However, if I had told him that my number was forty. (Which it's not), I can't help but wonder if he would judge me, just a little.
Another factor: Since we've been close friends for years, it's been a while since we've done it, and I'm not looking to date him, knowing his number didn't bother me. However, if this was a guy I was interested in becoming serious with, and I knew that he had slept with forty girls before me...it could have the potential to make me think differently about him and his intentions.
Is this fair? I'm not sure. Do I want people judging me based on my number? No. Of course not. But, I'd like to think that I still fall in a somewhat age appropriate range for a single girl living in a city.
We want the perfect balance. No one wants to sleep with someone who seems inexperienced, and yet at the same time, too much experience can be seen as a flaw, and could potentially make the moment feel less genuine. When you are in an intimate setting with someone, no one (I imagine) likes to think about the people who came before you, and who may come after. In the end, I conclude that someone's sex number is not so important. Sometimes, you have to have different experiences to help you understand what it is you are looking for. And, girls. I'm pretty sure you can still find love, even if he is # twenty...
Monday, October 10, 2011
Well. I literally just spent the last two hours crafting two blog posts, that I felt quite proud of. One was about the glory of Vh1's Top 100 Countdown of the 2000's. (A life-changing event for me, if you will). The other, was about my visit to my old school on Friday. (A truly amazing day, and I never wanted to leave). Both posts just vanished from my computer, and I feel like I did back in 2004, when I lost a twelve page research paper the night before it was due. I may have yelled, and slammed my fist into the computer. (It's fiiiine). Sure, no one is grading me on this, but I really liked those posts, and really dislike technology right now. I don't have it in me to start again. (Womp, womp, womp). Another post is on it's way just as soon as my fingers stop burning...
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Did This Really Just Happen (Continued)...
In my last post, I wrote about a perfect stranger who told me to "take my sorry and shove it up my ass," when I finally let him know that I was not interested in meeting him. And, oh yes. The craziness continues... On Saturday morning, I woke up to a text message from the same mentally unstable stranger. The text said, "Wow, you are such a loser."
Oh really? I'm the loser?!? I am not the one texting a complete stranger hateful messages at seven am. Mmhmm, that's right.
Oh really? I'm the loser?!? I am not the one texting a complete stranger hateful messages at seven am. Mmhmm, that's right.
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