Sunday, August 28, 2011

The End of Summa

Nothing like a small natural disaster to put things right into perspective. I woke up on Saturday morning, threw some things into a bag, and headed to New Jersey to take refuge with my parents for the impending storm. And, here I am....thirty-three hours later.

I spent last night in a way that I would probably never like to again. And, that is this: Sleeping in one room with my family. My roommate was away this weekend, and I was nervous about being alone in my apartment during the hurricane. Yes, I have friends that I could have stayed with. But, my mom's fridge is more stocked than yours. Priorities, you see.

As it grew later into the evening, my parents became increasingly more nervous that the large tree in the front yard would fall onto our house. If it did fall, it would fall onto my parent's room, or on to my sister's room. Their solution to the problem was this: We would put all of our mattresses together, in the living room, to avoid a potentially life threatening situation. (Although, a tree crashing through a house, regardless of whether or not you're sleeping in that particular room sounds concerning to me). But, what do I know?

Anyway, there we were. Mimi, Craig David, Heatzbabi, (Judy was at his own apartment), and me. Just in case you wondered, my bed was positioned directly beside the front door. (Just like a pet dog). I love my family, I really do. But, I'm mostly sure that as a twenty-seven year old woman, I am not meant to be spending my Saturday night tucked into a bed four feet from the sound of my parents snoring.

Being home, and marooned indoors gave me lots of time to think. I got to thinking about this summer, and what is next for me. As always, summer ending remains a very hard pill for me to swallow. And, it's not just because I'm not ready to begin working again. (Though, that is certainly part of it).

In short, it all comes down to this: I love summer. I love shorts, sundresses, and flip-flops. Tan lines, Rooftops, outdoor spaces, eating outside at a restaurant, and sitting on an East 9th street stoop, with some Sixteen Handles. I love the beach, the smell of suntan lotion, and going for an early morning run before it gets too hot outside. I truly believe that I am a happier person in the summer time, and am not ready to let go of my favorite time of year. (Surprise, surprise. I don't want something to end).

This past month (of not working) has been kind of magical for me. Without any form of work, I have literally been a free Willy! I have explored different NYC parks with my best friend, I went saddle boating, I visited mediocre East coast vacation spots (c. Derek), I've slept as long as my body let me, I watched one of my college roommates get married, I drank a lot of bacaaaardi, I did not endure the Sunday night blues, I visited Camp Schodack, and perhaps most importantly of all: I made out with a boy in a bunk bed.

In a couple of days, I begin work again. Only, I am not returning to familiar lands, but am beginning a new job, at a new school. I've known this was going to happen since May. It's only hitting me now, as August comes to a close, that this change is taking place whether I'm ready or not. And, let's just say...I'm not. Summer Vacation, I miss you already.

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