Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Dog Days are Over

Oh, heyyy December. I am just so pleased by your arrival. (Did you note my sarcasm)? If not, note it. In case you were unsure, winter is undoubtedly my least favorite season of the year.

I would like to first point out, that this blog was written while The Dog Days Are Over played on repeat. I'm told that this song is not new. But, it is new to me. And, right now I can't get enough of it.

If you want to see me at my happiest, stick me in a pair of flip-flops, wearing a pair of sunglasses, preferably on Camp Schodack's green grass. And, if I can't be at camp--put me in some kind of extreme heat. The sweatier, the better! This being said, I know that some people love the winter time. And, okay, I can sort of get that. The holiday season is lovely, snow is pretty, and if you enjoy winter time sports, this could totally be your season. I however, am terrible at winter time sports. But, take any winter time sport, and turn it into a summer time sport, and I'm a champion.

Case and point. I am a scary skier. I look like a four year old balancing on two pieces of spaghetti. However, put me in a pair of water skis, and I glide. Snowboarding? I'm pitiful. But, can I wake board? You betcha! I am an okay ice-skater, but would much prefer to be on roller skates, couples skating like it's 1995.

On Saturday morning, much to my surprise, I discovered the one bright light that winter has to offer me. (Besides, of course, for my birthday). I was just about to devour one of my four daily bowls of Frosted Flakes, when I realized that I had run out of milk. I needed to go buy some. Here is the amazing thing about this: I didn't feel like getting dressed. I had just woken up, and was only wearing a pair of boxers and a bra. (My apartment is hot)! I quickly threw on a pair of leggings, and put my coat on...right over my bra. No shirt for this girl.


Walking outside, in public, knowing that I was not wearing a shirt was liberating in a way that I had not imagined. (An aside: Walk of shames are are also much more comfortable in the winter time, as you are better able to hide last nights' outfit underneath a large coat).

The score is still a lot (summer) to a little (winter). But, perhaps I will find a couple more bright spots this upcoming winter season.

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