As one year comes to a close, and another is about to begin, it is nearly impossible not to reflect on the events of this past year. 2010 brought me joy and sadness. It brought comedy, personal growth and important character building moments. I can't relive this past year in a blog post, as there are many memorable moments that I wish I could share here. Instead, I have chosen my top ten personal highlights from 2010. In no particular order here they are, and as always I hope you enjoy.
10. Clegg David (Fire Island Weekend). Though, it was just a forty-eight hour stay on Fire Island with my best girls, I don't think that any of us were prepared for the amount of fun, hilarity and vomit that would ensue in our favorite weekend getaway. Thanks to BG's Clegg David facebook album, our Fire Island weekend (and Fire Island boyfriends) will live in on infamy.
9. Katy Perry. Katy Perry may have single-handily made my 2010 with her album, entitled, Teenage Dream. (After all, I try to live out my own teenage dream each weekend). Katy Perry, you had me at California Girls. And you kept me going the rest of the year with Teenage Dream and Firework. (I owe a much more enjoyable gym workout to you).
8. Ja Branz's Pooping Trick. What my good friend Jeff did not know when he taught me his pooping trick, was the effect that it would have on my life. (And, well. That I'd blog about it here afterwards--although, he probably should have anticipated that). Jeff's pooping trick helped revolutionize where and when I could use the bathroom. The details of the trick I will not share here, but to you-- Ja Branz, you have changed my 2010, and my world forever.
7. Josh and Diana's Wedding Weekend. What could be better than watching one of my best friends tie the knot, while bat-mitzvah dancing with my high school besties this past August? Well, almost nothing. Except, for the post-wedding aftermath which included simultaneously hooking up (side by side) in the same hotel room, at the same time as one of my best friends.
6. Sid has Sids Weekend. Guz, Peanutbutter Jimmy and a baseball bat, and the start of BGbabe taking photos of me urinating in various bathroom stalls across the Northeast. This May weekend was one that will go down in history. (Well, the history for the eight of us who were there anyway).
5. Meeting my class this year. In my fifth year of teaching, I have had enough teaching years under my belt to rank my classes accordingly from favorite to least favorite. This year's class is currently tied in first place with the 2007-2008 school year. From the minute I met this year's third grade crew; it really was love at first sight. To a group of kids who will hopefully never, ever see this blog--I really adore you guys. You have helped make my 2010 entertaining, joyous, lively and sweet. I think I love you. (Well, most of you).
4. Commuting for Cock Weekend. (c. Bonk). Galin and I scanned the city, traveling far and wide,one weekend, in an effort to meet boys. In the end, we coined our weekend, commuting for cock. (Literally: Commuting around Manhattan in the pursuit of men). Although, the weekend was not a success in the traditional sense of the phrase. (We found none). We had a damn good time trying.
3. Graduation. My life is my own once more, I finished graduate school, and earned my master's degree in 2010. And, most importantly: If I ever get business cards made, I can put small letters at the end of my last name.
2. Modern Family, Glee, and Desperate Housewives. When times were tough, you kept me going. Your wit, humor and entertainment value were enough to keep me coming back for more each and every week. You gave me something to talk about, and more importantly something to look forward to. Thank you for making my Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights a happier, funnier place.
1. Winning the Beverly Hills, 90210 Trivia Contest. Naturally, this was my actual number one highlight of 2010. I always knew that all of the Beverly Hills 90210 trivia that I had accumulated in my head over the last two decades would one day serve its purpose. Indeed, one Tuesday last April; it did just that. And, when the winner was announced, (Me) and the tears streamed down my face. I knew it just doesn't get much better than this. Thank you, 2010. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I am officially done with graduate school. HALLELUJAH!!! It was a long, and painful road at times, but I have finally, finally reached the finish line. Attending graduate school can be difficult for anyone. However, attending school part-time, while working full time is quite a daunting task! Just ask anyone who has ever done this. (Ya know. Like me). But, the light finally shines at the end of this tunnel. I have my masters degree, and can resume my life, as I once knew it. No more days, just fourteen hour days for this girl. Free at last, free at last!
This weekend, I spent time with two different groups of friends who I do not get to see nearly as often as I would like. The first, are a group of girls, who I have known since childhood. Due to geography, and other such things, finding a time that we are all free can be quite tricky!
My childhood girlays and I went to a four hour long brunch Sunday afternoon. It was delicious and fun. (We missed you, Sheets!) Our waitress came over to the table, and asked if the four of us at the table were sisters. This was quite a compliment, (my ladies lunch friends are babes)! But, mostly--it was sweet. We've all known each other for such a long time, that it feels natural to feel like family. Sitting together at brunch, sort of amazed me. Each one of us took our turn, catching each other up on the last few months of our lives. It made me stop and think. At the core, I think we are all still the same people we always were. However, listening to the stories, the trials and the tribulations of each other's lives made me realize something. And, it is this: We have all come a long way from the eleven year old girls who used to hang out at the town pool together. Lylat, girlfriends.
On Saturday night, I was graced by the presence of a a different crew of friends. My exciting, lively and fun college boyyyyy friends. Jimmytown, Corey, Brent, Andy Vi and Sid has Sids came to New York City for a little visit. As per usual, I only remember about eight percent of the night, (drinking seven Bacardi and diet cokes while on antibiotics might do that to you). But, I do know this: I loved life, was surprisingly much more of a human than the last time we were all together, and I had a blast dancing to mid 90's dance tunes. (I love you, Whiskey Town DJ. Marry me?) As another weekend comes to an end, I am pleasantly reminded of just how lucky I am to have some fine bitties and homies to spend my days and nights with.
This weekend, I spent time with two different groups of friends who I do not get to see nearly as often as I would like. The first, are a group of girls, who I have known since childhood. Due to geography, and other such things, finding a time that we are all free can be quite tricky!
My childhood girlays and I went to a four hour long brunch Sunday afternoon. It was delicious and fun. (We missed you, Sheets!) Our waitress came over to the table, and asked if the four of us at the table were sisters. This was quite a compliment, (my ladies lunch friends are babes)! But, mostly--it was sweet. We've all known each other for such a long time, that it feels natural to feel like family. Sitting together at brunch, sort of amazed me. Each one of us took our turn, catching each other up on the last few months of our lives. It made me stop and think. At the core, I think we are all still the same people we always were. However, listening to the stories, the trials and the tribulations of each other's lives made me realize something. And, it is this: We have all come a long way from the eleven year old girls who used to hang out at the town pool together. Lylat, girlfriends.
On Saturday night, I was graced by the presence of a a different crew of friends. My exciting, lively and fun college boyyyyy friends. Jimmytown, Corey, Brent, Andy Vi and Sid has Sids came to New York City for a little visit. As per usual, I only remember about eight percent of the night, (drinking seven Bacardi and diet cokes while on antibiotics might do that to you). But, I do know this: I loved life, was surprisingly much more of a human than the last time we were all together, and I had a blast dancing to mid 90's dance tunes. (I love you, Whiskey Town DJ. Marry me?) As another weekend comes to an end, I am pleasantly reminded of just how lucky I am to have some fine bitties and homies to spend my days and nights with.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ma Job
Depending on the time of day, the time of year, and what kind of mood I'm in, I may give you a different response on how much I enjoy my job. (Ya know, being a third grade teacher for students with various learning disabilities). There are certain days that I love my job. And, I mean that. I really do. And, then there are certain days that I wish to be anywhere but there. It's strange to feel so oppositely about something that you do every day. But, when you deal with the needs of irrational eight year olds all day, I suppose this is to be expected.
Two days ago, I was outside with my class playing in the yard. It was freezing outside, and I felt that the only way to survive the brutal cold was to run around with the kids. And that is just what I did. They were playing tag, and I asked if I could play too. Their faces lit up. I was the tagger first, but I'm pretty speedy don't you know! (And have legs at least a foot longer than theirs). I quickly tagged one of my students, and the chase was on. Every time I was chased, I screamed. (And, of course I was the only one being chased). I screamed like I was actually being chased by a murderer. (Channeling my inner-eight year old). (An aside: Being chased is like actually scary, even if the person chasing you has not yet hit four feet). I was, laughing, screaming and playing tag in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. How many other adults can say that they do the same thing? (Yup, probably not a whole lot). And, then my heart warmed. I overheard two of the girls talking with one another, "Isn't our teacher the funnest?" Oh, I love you, job.
Yesterday we went on a field trip to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. We walked there. It was a half hour walk. And, oh yeah. It was twenty-two degrees outside. Then we stayed outside at the Promenade and did some things, before turning around and heading back to school. It was idiotic. My hands and feet were numb. And, I could no longer feel my face. Oh, I hate you, job.
Our staff holiday party is coming up. When I talk to other friends about their holiday parties. I hear how they stumbled in at two am, hooked up with their co-workers, and threw up on their bosses. Well. When you work in a school, with virtually no men present. Your holiday party is from four to six pm one afternoon in a local restaurant. Sounds fun, right? Lame City. Oh, I hate you, job.
I overhear hilarious comments all day long. I field questions such as, "What was it like to be a kid in the 90's?" (Yes, that was an actual question asked of me). "How old were you when you sat on your first hamster?" (I have never sat on any hamsters). And, while watching Toy Story Three, one of my students raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, are we allowed to laugh at the funny parts? (Yes, Nick. You are allowed to laugh).Definitely love you, job.
In three days, my vacation (of two weeks) begins. I am ready for this break. Teachers all around the country are ready for this break. Oh, how I love you job.
Two days ago, I was outside with my class playing in the yard. It was freezing outside, and I felt that the only way to survive the brutal cold was to run around with the kids. And that is just what I did. They were playing tag, and I asked if I could play too. Their faces lit up. I was the tagger first, but I'm pretty speedy don't you know! (And have legs at least a foot longer than theirs). I quickly tagged one of my students, and the chase was on. Every time I was chased, I screamed. (And, of course I was the only one being chased). I screamed like I was actually being chased by a murderer. (Channeling my inner-eight year old). (An aside: Being chased is like actually scary, even if the person chasing you has not yet hit four feet). I was, laughing, screaming and playing tag in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. How many other adults can say that they do the same thing? (Yup, probably not a whole lot). And, then my heart warmed. I overheard two of the girls talking with one another, "Isn't our teacher the funnest?" Oh, I love you, job.
Yesterday we went on a field trip to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. We walked there. It was a half hour walk. And, oh yeah. It was twenty-two degrees outside. Then we stayed outside at the Promenade and did some things, before turning around and heading back to school. It was idiotic. My hands and feet were numb. And, I could no longer feel my face. Oh, I hate you, job.
Our staff holiday party is coming up. When I talk to other friends about their holiday parties. I hear how they stumbled in at two am, hooked up with their co-workers, and threw up on their bosses. Well. When you work in a school, with virtually no men present. Your holiday party is from four to six pm one afternoon in a local restaurant. Sounds fun, right? Lame City. Oh, I hate you, job.
I overhear hilarious comments all day long. I field questions such as, "What was it like to be a kid in the 90's?" (Yes, that was an actual question asked of me). "How old were you when you sat on your first hamster?" (I have never sat on any hamsters). And, while watching Toy Story Three, one of my students raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, are we allowed to laugh at the funny parts? (Yes, Nick. You are allowed to laugh).Definitely love you, job.
In three days, my vacation (of two weeks) begins. I am ready for this break. Teachers all around the country are ready for this break. Oh, how I love you job.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
2011 Hopes and Wishes
Each morning when my students come into the classroom, they are greeted by me. And, by their daily morning journal. They are asked a question in the format of a friendly letter, and they respond back in the same format. This morning's question was, "What are your hopes and wishes for 2011?" I ask this question each year, (mostly for the purpose of my own amusement). Last year's favorite was written by one of my former students, Alexis. "I hope to eat lots of ravioli in 2010." Below you will find this year's class hopes and wishes for 2011.
I hope for a swing set.
Don't think that's too likely, considering you live on West 17th street, and don't have a backyard.
I want to stay up until ten o'clock.
Dream big!
I hope I don' t step on any rocks.
I hope for a new ferret.
What happened to your old one?!
I wish for warmer weather.
Amen Sister!
I hope my sister loses her tooth.
A little weird...but sweet. I'll take it.
I hope for a trampoline, I'm a really good jumper.
Is jumping something that you can be really good at?
I want an x-box.
This one was seen rampantly throughout all of the boys' journals.
And, my personal favorite: I hope to climb Mount Everest in 2011.
I hope for a swing set.
Don't think that's too likely, considering you live on West 17th street, and don't have a backyard.
I want to stay up until ten o'clock.
Dream big!
I hope I don' t step on any rocks.
I hope for a new ferret.
What happened to your old one?!
I wish for warmer weather.
Amen Sister!
I hope my sister loses her tooth.
A little weird...but sweet. I'll take it.
I hope for a trampoline, I'm a really good jumper.
Is jumping something that you can be really good at?
I want an x-box.
This one was seen rampantly throughout all of the boys' journals.
And, my personal favorite: I hope to climb Mount Everest in 2011.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
And, One More Reason Why I Love Camp Schodack, Forever.
Just your average, every day impromptu, no planning necessary, pose.
Top Row: Shankoff
Middle Row: James, Me, BGbabe

It's Sunday night. And, as per usual I can't sleep. So, instead I decided to update my blog with some snazzy photos! The first photo is of me. You see, my Becca Girl just loves to take pictures of me in various bathroom stalls across the Northeast. Each time she does this, it is always quite a surprise to me! This one was taken in a McDonalds rest stop en route to Rhode Island. Don't I have the greatest friends?
Blind Date
The act of dating can be completely exhausting. Especially first dates. Especially, especially, blind first dates. There is only so much head nodding, smiling, and pretending to care about private equity a girl can handle!
A couple of years ago, my friend Shelby and I tried a new dating website called, "Crazy Blind Date." This particular dating website set you and a friend up with another double date duo. The website chose a restaurant or bar for you to meet at. In theory, this is a cool idea. And, if all else fails-- you are still out with one of your friends! (Not the idea, I know. Needless to say, Shelby and I always had way more fun together, than we did with any of the boys that we actually "dated").
In our stint as Crazy Blind Daters, we had some amusing experiences. On our first ever crazy blind double date, only one of the two boys showed up. There we were at a Lower East Side bar. Shelby, myself, and a small Asian stranger, enjoying some cocktails.
Our second and last crazy blind double date, both boys showed up. One was a fashion photographer, and the other was a large black man. The large black man took a liking to Shelby instantly. The fashion photographer could not have been less interested in either of us. The night ended with me leaving early, due to an allergy attack. (Nerd Alert). Shelby was left to entertain these two men by her lonesome. After CrazyBlindDate number two, we were ready to throw in the towel.
Since my time on Crazy Blind date , I have been on many a blind date. And, almost nothing could be worse. I prefer to date people that I know. Well, who doesn't? I like knowing basic information about the person that I'm out with. Questions such as "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?" should never have to be asked again. Why can't all dates begin, (mentally) on date number four?
The initial meeting at the bar or restaurant on a blind date makes my top five list of things that I loathe. What could be worse than looking around the venue for the person you are going out with, not completely sure about what they look like? It just feels embarrassing. Kind of like everyone in the place knows that you are on a blind date. And, once you do find each other, what do you do when actually meeting one another? Shake hands? Awkwardly hug? Kiss on the cheek? I don't know, and I may never find out.
And, yet...I continue to allow myself to be put through this form of slight torture. Is meeting new people exciting for me? Absolutely. I love it. But, I would rather meet people first. And if there is a mutual attraction, then go on a date. For now, I think I'm just about ready to hang up my blindfold. Until the next crazy blind date...
A couple of years ago, my friend Shelby and I tried a new dating website called, "Crazy Blind Date." This particular dating website set you and a friend up with another double date duo. The website chose a restaurant or bar for you to meet at. In theory, this is a cool idea. And, if all else fails-- you are still out with one of your friends! (Not the idea, I know. Needless to say, Shelby and I always had way more fun together, than we did with any of the boys that we actually "dated").
In our stint as Crazy Blind Daters, we had some amusing experiences. On our first ever crazy blind double date, only one of the two boys showed up. There we were at a Lower East Side bar. Shelby, myself, and a small Asian stranger, enjoying some cocktails.
Our second and last crazy blind double date, both boys showed up. One was a fashion photographer, and the other was a large black man. The large black man took a liking to Shelby instantly. The fashion photographer could not have been less interested in either of us. The night ended with me leaving early, due to an allergy attack. (Nerd Alert). Shelby was left to entertain these two men by her lonesome. After CrazyBlindDate number two, we were ready to throw in the towel.
Since my time on Crazy Blind date , I have been on many a blind date. And, almost nothing could be worse. I prefer to date people that I know. Well, who doesn't? I like knowing basic information about the person that I'm out with. Questions such as "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?" should never have to be asked again. Why can't all dates begin, (mentally) on date number four?
The initial meeting at the bar or restaurant on a blind date makes my top five list of things that I loathe. What could be worse than looking around the venue for the person you are going out with, not completely sure about what they look like? It just feels embarrassing. Kind of like everyone in the place knows that you are on a blind date. And, once you do find each other, what do you do when actually meeting one another? Shake hands? Awkwardly hug? Kiss on the cheek? I don't know, and I may never find out.
And, yet...I continue to allow myself to be put through this form of slight torture. Is meeting new people exciting for me? Absolutely. I love it. But, I would rather meet people first. And if there is a mutual attraction, then go on a date. For now, I think I'm just about ready to hang up my blindfold. Until the next crazy blind date...
Monday, December 6, 2010
This Just In!
And, for those of you Dog Days enthusiasts. This:
(Thank you, Jkap!)
(Thank you, Jkap!)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Dog Days are Over
Oh, heyyy December. I am just so pleased by your arrival. (Did you note my sarcasm)? If not, note it. In case you were unsure, winter is undoubtedly my least favorite season of the year.
I would like to first point out, that this blog was written while The Dog Days Are Over played on repeat. I'm told that this song is not new. But, it is new to me. And, right now I can't get enough of it.
If you want to see me at my happiest, stick me in a pair of flip-flops, wearing a pair of sunglasses, preferably on Camp Schodack's green grass. And, if I can't be at camp--put me in some kind of extreme heat. The sweatier, the better! This being said, I know that some people love the winter time. And, okay, I can sort of get that. The holiday season is lovely, snow is pretty, and if you enjoy winter time sports, this could totally be your season. I however, am terrible at winter time sports. But, take any winter time sport, and turn it into a summer time sport, and I'm a champion.
Case and point. I am a scary skier. I look like a four year old balancing on two pieces of spaghetti. However, put me in a pair of water skis, and I glide. Snowboarding? I'm pitiful. But, can I wake board? You betcha! I am an okay ice-skater, but would much prefer to be on roller skates, couples skating like it's 1995.
On Saturday morning, much to my surprise, I discovered the one bright light that winter has to offer me. (Besides, of course, for my birthday). I was just about to devour one of my four daily bowls of Frosted Flakes, when I realized that I had run out of milk. I needed to go buy some. Here is the amazing thing about this: I didn't feel like getting dressed. I had just woken up, and was only wearing a pair of boxers and a bra. (My apartment is hot)! I quickly threw on a pair of leggings, and put my coat on...right over my bra. No shirt for this girl.
Walking outside, in public, knowing that I was not wearing a shirt was liberating in a way that I had not imagined. (An aside: Walk of shames are are also much more comfortable in the winter time, as you are better able to hide last nights' outfit underneath a large coat).
The score is still a lot (summer) to a little (winter). But, perhaps I will find a couple more bright spots this upcoming winter season.
I would like to first point out, that this blog was written while The Dog Days Are Over played on repeat. I'm told that this song is not new. But, it is new to me. And, right now I can't get enough of it.
If you want to see me at my happiest, stick me in a pair of flip-flops, wearing a pair of sunglasses, preferably on Camp Schodack's green grass. And, if I can't be at camp--put me in some kind of extreme heat. The sweatier, the better! This being said, I know that some people love the winter time. And, okay, I can sort of get that. The holiday season is lovely, snow is pretty, and if you enjoy winter time sports, this could totally be your season. I however, am terrible at winter time sports. But, take any winter time sport, and turn it into a summer time sport, and I'm a champion.
Case and point. I am a scary skier. I look like a four year old balancing on two pieces of spaghetti. However, put me in a pair of water skis, and I glide. Snowboarding? I'm pitiful. But, can I wake board? You betcha! I am an okay ice-skater, but would much prefer to be on roller skates, couples skating like it's 1995.
On Saturday morning, much to my surprise, I discovered the one bright light that winter has to offer me. (Besides, of course, for my birthday). I was just about to devour one of my four daily bowls of Frosted Flakes, when I realized that I had run out of milk. I needed to go buy some. Here is the amazing thing about this: I didn't feel like getting dressed. I had just woken up, and was only wearing a pair of boxers and a bra. (My apartment is hot)! I quickly threw on a pair of leggings, and put my coat on...right over my bra. No shirt for this girl.
Walking outside, in public, knowing that I was not wearing a shirt was liberating in a way that I had not imagined. (An aside: Walk of shames are are also much more comfortable in the winter time, as you are better able to hide last nights' outfit underneath a large coat).
The score is still a lot (summer) to a little (winter). But, perhaps I will find a couple more bright spots this upcoming winter season.
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