Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Class Visitor

A very special visitor arrived in the 3rd grade today. My sister had a job interview in NYC, and decided to delight me, and eleven small children by taking a subway to Cobble Hill in Brooklyn for a classroom visit. I decided to wait to tell my students that my sister would be visiting until just before she arrived. This was in an effort to save my sanity, as otherwise you can bet that I would be hearing "Is she here yet!?!" All the live long day.

Do you remember being young and seeing your teacher outside of school? It was like seeing a fish out of water. Forget about your teacher wearing jeans, having friends, families and significant others. He or she was your teacher. And that was their one and only identity. Didn't your elementary school teachers sleep at the school? Mine sure did.

If only my students knew the truth about me...That sometimes we have matching maturity levels, and that my weekends consist of mid 90's dance music, Bacardi, and frosted flakes. It would blow their little eight year old minds. Naturally, meeting a member of my family was an exciting event, one that evoked quite a bit of commotion.

When Heatzbabi walked in the door, my students literally gasped, cheered and shrieked with pure delight.(No really, Heaty got QUITE the welcome). Some of the kids even stood on chairs to get a better look at her. You would have thought that, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga or Pokemon himself had just walked through our classroom door.

As far as sisters go, I have been told that we look quite similar. Among our differences is that Heather can sit outside for five minutes, and will become a member of a different race, (while it takes me atleast six very painful sunburns before I look remotely tan). Damn her bronzed beauty. Also, she is a bite sized human. These two differences, my students noted as well.

After introductions were made, Heather to my class, and my class to Heather, mass chaos ensued, and the following questions/comments (amongst others) were heard:

Chase extended his hand to shake Heather's, to congratulate her on her recent college graduation. (Polite and Adorable). Colin looked quizzically at the two of us standing side by side. Cocking his head to the side, he said, "You guys have the same hair, only Heather's hair looks nicer right now." Thank you, Colzbabi! Sophie looked at us and said, "You guys, like have the exact same nose, eyes and mouth, but your faces look soooo different." (Did that make sense to you guys? Yeah, me neither). "How come Heather's skin is so much blacker than yours?" said Gus from the back. And, naturally four of my students shouted out, asking if Heather was a teenager. (Apparently, this is a right reserved for more than one Fisher). But perhaps my favorite question of all came from Chucky. (My #1 pain in the ass). "Heather, (Chucky said), What type of blood do you have?" In case you were wondering, Chucky is A negative.

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