I'm feeling a little bit conflicted right now--and am not quite sure how to balance these emotions. I am very excited for this weekend, with all of my planned birthday festivities.(Firefly, see you tomorrow night?) But with a birthday, comes the inevitable (and the obvious). I will be one year older. Tomorrow is my birthday, and that will make me 26. That makes today my last day as a 25 year old. I very clearly remember sitting down last year to write my last ever blog entry as a 24 year old, I also felt sadness to see 24 go. (I guess I've felt sadness to see every age go since 21).
And now, as I sit here one year later (time really does fly) I am feeling the same way about parting with 25, as I did parting with 24. I have liked being 25 so much. This was a great year for a lot of reasons (most of the highlights have been listed in previous blogs). Something about 26 sounds scary. If you are older than me, reading this, then you are probably laughing at me. But, these are my feelings, and the very essence of why I choose to blog in the first place.
Where do you go when you want to feel really special on your birthday? Out to dinner with your friends? To a bar for the night? Out with your family? I'll tell you. Come to a school. Because the truth is, no one can make you feel as special than a group of eight and nine year olds who really care about you. To my students, birthdays REALLY mean something. And even though today is not my real birthday, (we celebrated in school today), the kids treated me like an actual celebrity. Showering me with cards, good wishes, and even flowers. One of my students Adam, wished me a very sincere and genuine happy birthday. He even went one step further: Adam told me that he hopes my 26th year is a great one. Thanks Adam, I hope for the very same thing.
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