Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Vacation Check-In I am. Blogging midway through my winter bacation. (Yes, I mistyped the b in vacation). Just in case you thought I made a silly typo, I was actually making an inside joke (mostly with myself), impersonating my 10th grade Spanish teacher.

It's been 9 days of glorious, glorious freedom, (I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK, EVER) and I thought I'd stop here, and check in for a moment. Want to know what I've been up to over the past nine days? If you do, please kindly continue reading in list format, of course. (An aside: I realize I often write in list format, it is just much easier for me to organize my thoughts this way. Mmkay?

1. I attended Brunaay and Parslaaay's birthday party, had a blasty-blast, and thus discovered my new favorite bar and future sight for my own birthday party. (Just 25 more days to go, in case you were wondering, expect a facebook invite soon).

2. After making Rweissypantz, and various others try to take an online test for me, I finally passed (on my own good graces) and will now be able to graduate from graduate school come this May. Thank you God.

3. I ate the greatest chocolate souffle of my whole life at Westville East, with BGbabe, Meelzay, Brookie2k and Mawa cheering me on with love and support. Nothing, (not even grilled chicken slathered in ketchup) has ever tasted better.

4. I spent five fantastic days at home, in Livingston New Jersey. I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely had a great time. I spent Christmas Eve at Mr. Chu-chu's with all the Jew-Jews. I spent Saturday night at da Landmark, (townie bar) and ended my night in a car with 5 high school friends, on a farm, with illegal substances in hand, making me feel like I was actually in 11th grade. True or False, I love re-living high school, and anything that makes me feel like an 11th grader again is okay by me. True.

5. Here's a little math problem for all of you. Four of us sat in my friend's basement one night this week. One of the four of us was me. I had previously engaged myself with two of the three boys sitting in that room. No matter the mathematics, nothing will make you feel like more of a whore, than knowing that you've seen 2/3 of the wang in the room.

6. Heatzbabi and I taught our dad how to use "e-mail." We gave him his own gmail account, and I even showed him how he could "g-chat" me. Helping to teach my dad the ropes of e/gmail was an experience that I hope to never forget. I would worry that with my dad on gchat, he could read my blog (seeing as the link is on my ghcat profile)--and he would discover how I am exploiting his technological inexperience to the world. But, I also know that it will take him at least six months to realize that he can click on the links in people's profiles--so for now I can continue to write fearlessly, no holding back!

7. I started my online Earth Science course tonight. I took an online quiz that tested me on the scientific method and sedimentary rocks. What was it that I said about loving anything that made me feel like I was in high school again? Ah yes, well--I guess that comes with just one teeny-tiny exception.

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