Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Vacation Check-In I am. Blogging midway through my winter bacation. (Yes, I mistyped the b in vacation). Just in case you thought I made a silly typo, I was actually making an inside joke (mostly with myself), impersonating my 10th grade Spanish teacher.

It's been 9 days of glorious, glorious freedom, (I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK, EVER) and I thought I'd stop here, and check in for a moment. Want to know what I've been up to over the past nine days? If you do, please kindly continue reading in list format, of course. (An aside: I realize I often write in list format, it is just much easier for me to organize my thoughts this way. Mmkay?

1. I attended Brunaay and Parslaaay's birthday party, had a blasty-blast, and thus discovered my new favorite bar and future sight for my own birthday party. (Just 25 more days to go, in case you were wondering, expect a facebook invite soon).

2. After making Rweissypantz, and various others try to take an online test for me, I finally passed (on my own good graces) and will now be able to graduate from graduate school come this May. Thank you God.

3. I ate the greatest chocolate souffle of my whole life at Westville East, with BGbabe, Meelzay, Brookie2k and Mawa cheering me on with love and support. Nothing, (not even grilled chicken slathered in ketchup) has ever tasted better.

4. I spent five fantastic days at home, in Livingston New Jersey. I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely had a great time. I spent Christmas Eve at Mr. Chu-chu's with all the Jew-Jews. I spent Saturday night at da Landmark, (townie bar) and ended my night in a car with 5 high school friends, on a farm, with illegal substances in hand, making me feel like I was actually in 11th grade. True or False, I love re-living high school, and anything that makes me feel like an 11th grader again is okay by me. True.

5. Here's a little math problem for all of you. Four of us sat in my friend's basement one night this week. One of the four of us was me. I had previously engaged myself with two of the three boys sitting in that room. No matter the mathematics, nothing will make you feel like more of a whore, than knowing that you've seen 2/3 of the wang in the room.

6. Heatzbabi and I taught our dad how to use "e-mail." We gave him his own gmail account, and I even showed him how he could "g-chat" me. Helping to teach my dad the ropes of e/gmail was an experience that I hope to never forget. I would worry that with my dad on gchat, he could read my blog (seeing as the link is on my ghcat profile)--and he would discover how I am exploiting his technological inexperience to the world. But, I also know that it will take him at least six months to realize that he can click on the links in people's profiles--so for now I can continue to write fearlessly, no holding back!

7. I started my online Earth Science course tonight. I took an online quiz that tested me on the scientific method and sedimentary rocks. What was it that I said about loving anything that made me feel like I was in high school again? Ah yes, well--I guess that comes with just one teeny-tiny exception.

Friday, December 18, 2009

One Year Anniversary

I sit here tonight, writing this blog posting, one year later. It has been one year since I wrote my very first blog entry, ever. It's hard to believe an entire year has passed, but okay--for all of your sakes I will try to skip on the nostalgia portion of this blog, and instead wish myself a Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary. A lot sure can happen in the course of a year! In honor of this mini-milestone, I have compiled a list of my top ten highlights of this past year. Here we go, in no particular order--I hope you enjoy.

10. Seeing Jennie Garth and Shannen Dorhety reunite on screen and reprise their 90's alter egos, as Kelly Taylor and Brenda Walsh in the new 90210. It was a day I have been waiting fifteen years for, and just like in 1994, they are still the best of frenemies fighting over the one,
and the only--Dylan McKay.

9. I turned 25. I gotta say, I like it here--at 25. This has been a good, good year.

8. Vh1 airing The 40 Hottest Hotties of the 90's.

7. Meeting a slew of interesting boys who have made my blogs, well--more interesting. (Some of the most interesting boys have been left off, in fear that upon reading my blog, they will never speak to me again).

6. Visiting Camp Schodack this summer, with my Camp Schodack besties, dominating the My Place jukebox and literally loving life.

5. Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA. (If you say you don't like this song, I know that you're lying).

4. Meelzybabe introducing me to Greek yogurt. I will never be the same again.

3. Brent and Andy's visit to NYC. Trying to provide them with a really manly afternoon, but instead making them rate all of my outfits for the night on a scale from 1-10.

2. Discovering Pilates (Pilotties999).

1. Learning that if I remove all of my clothing, I am able to poop at work.

Here's to many more highlights in 2010!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

2010 Hopes and Wishes

Each morning when my students enter the classroom, they take out their morning journal, and proceed to answer the question found inside. With winter vacation drawing near, and 2009 drawing to a close, my students answered the following question this morning, "What are your hopes and wishes for 2010?"

Here in no particular order are some of my students hopes and wishes for 2010.

"I hope for flying cars in 2010."

"I hope to eat more ravioli in 2010"

"I hope to meet R.L Stine" (Author of Goosebumps).

"I hope I get more games for my wii."

"I hope to become a champ at video games."

"I hope to have a magic wand."

"I hope that I learn to fly."

"I hope to get better at the monkey bars."

"I hope that all of my family members live until 2011."

"I hope I have a nice time in 2010."

My class is really deep.

Friday, December 11, 2009


A short tale that needs to be told.

Tonight I was on the phone with my friend Alex. As we were busy chatting away, I was getting an incoming call from my dad. The only times that my dad calls me are to a). tell me that I owe him money, b). to tell me that I owe him money, c). to tell me that I owe him money, and d). all of the above.

I'm only 85% telling the truth, my dad also calls to wish me a happy birthday, to ask my advice on Mother's Day gifts for my mom, and to send other merriment's my way. Tonight, when I picked up the phone, my dad sounded kind of frantic. My first instinct was that something was wrong--I was worried that something serious had happened, when he said these words, "Lauren. Help me. I'm new to texting, I received a message that I don't understand, and I'm not sure how to respond back to my friend."

Being the savvy 21st century daughter that I am, I told him to lay it on me, perhaps I could help. Here is what my dad said. "At the end of the text there was a colon, a dash, and a right parenthesis. "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!"

Let me see here, a : a - and a )

Me: Dad, turn the phone sideways, mmhm, yes. What do you see, does it look like a happy face?

Dad: Yes, I'm an idiot--don't tell anyone about this. (Do all of you guys count?)

Oh, and if anyone else needs a texting tutorial, I would be more than happy to help :-)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

School of Rock

The students in my class love music. Like, okay. That might sound like a boring, and even obvious statement. I mean, don't most people feel pretty okay about music? However, it is still hard for me to find the words to describe the sheer enthusiasm and joy that seems to overcome them when they hear music--and good music too. They are into John Lennon, Led Zepplin, The Clash and The Cure. (Granted I only listen to music from the early to mid-90's and whatever is playing on z100 at the moment). But, from what I've been told-- they appreciate good music none the less. I feel that their musical taste is mature, and I'm sure these artists have been subtle inflictions by their parents over the years. My students are very knowledgeable about their musical history too. Just yesterday, Adam and Henry asked me what it was like for me when Kurt Kobain died. (Um...Can I get away with, I was ten years old?)

Each day, as the school day draws to a close, my students beg me to play a song from my ipod or off of youtube. Usually, I take requests and play them straight from youtube. Their favorites being the ever popular 80's ballads; Eye of the Tiger, Bohemian Rhapsody, and We will Rock You. When these songs come on, watch out--they sing with a fury that is truly unleashed. It's heart warming at the very least.

Today was no different, only this time, a request from a 2009 surfaced--Empire State of Mind.
I decided to shuffle through my own ipod to find this song, when one of my students asked if he could see my ipod. Thinking that this was a harmless request, I said okay. But, that he could only scroll through by artist. (I couldn't let him see, titles such as "I'm in Miami Bitch, and Sex on Fire," now could I?) As he scrolled through my artist list, Adam realized something about me that the rest of you already know. The music on my ipod (thus the soundtrack of my life) appeals to that of an eleven year old girl. Adam looked down at my ipod, and looked back up into my eyes and simply said,"Miley Cyrus? You have got to be kidding me!" To which he followed with, "Hey everyone-- our 25 year old teacher has Miley Cyrus on her ipod."

Yes, Adam really said that. And as I found myself trying to defend myself to the likes of eight and nine year olds, I realized that there was no use. We are who we are, and if I'm eleven years old on the inside, well...that's me. Take me for what I am.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


When feeling stressed, the best remedy for me has always been to write and to rant. I suppose that I will kill two birds with one stone in my first December 2009 blog entry.

Let's see where to begin? Well, starting on December 21st, I will be enrolled in an online, undergraduate Earth Science course. The last time I took Earth Science, I was fourteen, and it was 1998. Britney Spears had just released her first hit song, Hit Me Baby One More Time. So, yes-- if that puts anything into perspective for you; it is that I am taking a course that I took almost twelve years ago. To say that I am annoyed by this is obvious, but this is all in effort to graduate from Pace University, with a masters degree come this May. Fingers crossed, I will be a grad school grad in just a few short months. I know it will be worth it in the end, but my god--what an annoyingly painful ride it has been.

There is more to rant and rave about, but instead I have to study for a math test that I am taking tomorrow. Oh ya know, just your average almost 26 year old, being tested on four years of highschool math. No big deal. Is it winter vacation yet?