Greetings from the last day of August. It's hard to believe how fast this summer has gone by. Every time I think about school being back in session next week, I actually want to cry small tears of sadness. This is not because I dislike my job, but rather an indicator of just how much I love summer.
It's been a really great summer filled with freedom, adventure, good times, hilarious times, and even some sexy times. Tonight, I write to you with one of the "not so good" times. And that is: Getting dumped. I use the term "dumped" loosely, because the dumper was not my actual boyfriend. (We never made it that far), but he was someone that I was seeing on a weekly basis, investing my time and feelings. We had a real good run while it lasted. And, in the end this fellow, (who is really a lovely, stand up-person) felt this was a timing issue. I realize this sounds code for, "He's just not that into you." But, I don't think that was the case. It involves more detail, but in the small chance this is ever seen by him, well...I will keep that to myself.
We had a blasty-blast together, and it is disappointing to see something like that end. No matter what though, I appreciate that he had the courage to tell me in person. He did not text me, e-mail me, or even worse...phase me out. No. He manned up! (And broke the news to me over a Bacardi and Diet Coke). After "the talk", we chatted for a while, laughing and having fun. Moral of the story: You can dump me, and I'll still have fun with you immediately after.
We stood outside the bar, trying to find the right words to say goodbye. Standing close together, about to hug, as a small man walked by us. The man stopped in front of us and said, "You guys make a really good couple!" The man walked away, and we burst out laughing. OF COURSE, I had just been told that I made a good couple with a guy who had litreally just dumped me twenty minutes earlier. Oh, timing. You are quite literally everything. The dumper (for lack of a better word), turned to me and said, "Yeah, I'm probably going to tweet about that. And, I replied--I'll probably be blogging about that too." And, with that we hugged one last time, and I walked away.